
#474 Exiting Outlook loses spam score

Outlook 008
Outlook (523)

I am using Outlook 2000. I was trying to write an
Outlook VBA subroutine to delete items in the Spam
folder based on the spam score of the messages in the
folder. However, while debugging I discovered that the
messages that SpamBayes had filtered and moved into
the Spam folder did not have a spam score. In VBA
terms, this meant the "UserProperties collection" had no
members. However, if I exit outlook without
moving/training with the affected messages, then when
I come back the messages have a spam score of zero.
In VBA terms, the "UserProperties collection" now has
one item, a Percent field named Spam. The value of this
UserProperty is zero however. If I run the "Spam
clues..." option on this mail it is nonzero and normally
spam-qualified (over the default 90% setting which I
have retained).

Speculating, SpamBayes acts as if the spam score is
volatile and managed completely by SpamBayes based
on Outlook events, until Outlook exit when the score is


  • Mark Hammond

    Mark Hammond - 2004-01-21

    Logged In: YES

    I'm afraid this is not a bug. We intentionally do not set
    the Spam score via "UserProperties". We *do* touch the
    UserProperties collection for a single message per folder
    when we startup, as this allows the "Spam" score to show in
    the Outlook UI. This is probably what you saw. However, as
    each message is scored, we do not touch UserProperties, but
    instead set everything directly via MAPI.

    To be honest, I'm not sure how to get the spam value using
    the Outlook object model. It is easy via CDO - you just use
    the Fields collection on the object. I would be very
    surprised if Outlook can't get at this field somehow. Try
    and find information on how to get at any "raw" MAPI field,
    and you should be right. If you get stuck, drop me an email.

  • Mark Hammond

    Mark Hammond - 2004-01-21
    • status: open --> closed-invalid
  • Mark Hammond

    Mark Hammond - 2004-01-21

    Logged In: YES

    Actually, to be clear, you did raise 2 issues. One is that
    you can't get at the field via VBA, which is what I
    addressed. The other is that in some cases, exiting Outlook
    can reset a spam field to zero - this is a bug that has
    since been fixed, so the next version will not do this (but
    the next version will have the same VBA issues)


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