
#455 Net Folders

Outlook 008
Outlook (523)

When the client uses Outlook 2000 with the Net Folders
feature enabled (shares calendars and contacts amongst
users), every time there is a synchronization (an email
with the form #Net Folders - ... appears), Outlook
returns an error message concerning the form that
couldn't be opened correctly. The message appears for
every message of this kind. Does not affect the shares
nor the SpamBayes filter, but annoying for the user, as
it could be repeated many times during the day.

Thanks for your help.


Lorsque le client utilise Outlook 2000 avec la fonction
Dossiers Partagés activée (partage de calendriers et
contacts entre les utilisateurs), ŕ chaque fois qu'une
synchronisation est effectuée (un message avec la
forme #Dossier Partagés - ... apparaît), Outlook donne
un message d'erreur concernant un formulaire qu'il n'a pu
ouvrir correctement. Le message apparaît ŕ chaque fois
qu'un message de synchro est reçu. Ceci n'affecte ni
les partages ni le filtrage de SpamBayes, mais est plutôt
fatigant pour l'utilisateur, car ce message peut
réapparaître plusieurs fois dans une journée.

Merci de votre aide.


  • Mark Hammond

    Mark Hammond - 2003-12-11

    Logged In: YES

    What exactly is this message? If the message is displayed
    by SpamBayes, then please attach a log for the session (see
    the "Troubleshooting Guide" for details) - this log will
    have the information we need to diagnose.

  • Jim Morrison Lafreniere

    Logged In: YES

    The error message (in french) is the following:

    "Impossible d'ouvrir le formulaire personnalis. Outlook utilisera
    un formulaire Outlook la place."

    Which means approximately this:

    "Cannot open custom form. Outlook will use an Outlook form

    It's an Outlook error message, but it happens only when using
    Net Folders and SpamBayes. If I uninstall one of them, I
    don't get the message... but I need both installed.

  • Pete Marion

    Pete Marion - 2003-12-29

    Logged In: YES

    This is tough since I do not speak french, but I searched the
    French MS site and came up with some possibilities.

    See if this might be of some help. It relates specifically to
    forms, and comes from the Microsoft France site.;fr;290657

    The english version is here:;

    It would appear that it may have something to do with the
    Macro Security level. Try setting Macro Security to LOW in
    order to eliminate the message.

  • Tony Meyer

    Tony Meyer - 2005-01-21

    Logged In: YES

    We haven't heard from the original reporter of the bug for some
    time. Without the requested information, there really isn't much
    we can do. If anyone does provide further information, please
    also change the bug status back to "Open".

  • Tony Meyer

    Tony Meyer - 2005-01-21
    • status: open --> closed

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