
#1374 Presentation on 2nd screen


As per version 1.4.10, Skim does support presentations with 2 displays, with the 2nd screen (the projector) showing the presentation slides, and the 1st screen showing notes.

However, it is a bit tedious to have the slides actually show on the 2nd screen - you have to drag the window over to the 2nd screen, then start the presentation. Also, one might not have notes, but would nevertheless like to have the slides and the contents pane on the primary display.

So here are my suggestions:

1) if you select in "Presentation Options" a "Synchronised Notes" document, then the full screen presentation is automatically redirected to the other display. No need to drag the window over to the other screen.

2) Also, one should be able to select the file with the slides as "Synchronized Notes", such that the 2nd display shows the slides in full screen, while the 2st display shows the slides and the contents pane.

3) Selecting a slide in the contents pane (on the 1st display) should also advances the presentation.

It would be great if you could implement this.

thank you,



  • Christiaan Hofman

    This is really not easy. First of all, we don't know what the second screen is. We can make an educated guess, but than you would not be able to correct it. That's worse than have you determine the correct screen. We also have no way to know whether you are mirroring screens or not. Moreover, this behavior would screw with the animation for the presentation, which would be a real pain to fix.

    As for the second, that won't be possible, because that content is not available for an extra display during a presentation, the content is moved to the presentation window.

    As for 3, that also has its drawbacks, and may do the wrong thing, or give the wrong impression, based on what your notes document actually displays. And it would not allow you to do a preview.

  • Christiaan Hofman

    • status: open --> closed

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