
#20 reload of database after scidb restart


I loaded a huge database in scidb, and it takes a while. Then i quit and restart scidb, and the database was no more loaded. This can be quite annoying :) Was i wrong somehow, or this is the standard behaviour?


  • Gregor Cramer

    Gregor Cramer - 2013-03-04

    Please have a look into the help pages, some command line options are existing, for example "--re-open", which will re-open all databases which are open at last shutdown of the application; this means you have to start Scidb with

    > scidb-beta --re-open

    You may alias the start of Scidb if you always want to re-open the databases:

    alias scidb-beta="scidb-beta --re-open"

    Write this command in your ".bash-profile".

    I thought about the idea to show the last used databases at start of Scidb (without opening the databases) for quick access, but I don't have an idea yet how to realize this in an user-friendly manner. Probably I will have an idea later.

  • Gregor Cramer

    Gregor Cramer - 2013-03-04
    • assigned_to: nobody --> gcramer
    • labels: --> Interface Improvements
    • status: open --> pending
  • Cecchino

    Cecchino - 2013-04-15
    • status: pending --> open
  • Cecchino

    Cecchino - 2013-04-15

    Can't you simply leave the button of the opened databases in the GUI? When the user starts scidb he can see a button like that for each databases he opened; press one of this button reload that database.
    Maybe on each button the user could do right click->delete, if he will never open again that database.

  • Gregor Cramer

    Gregor Cramer - 2013-04-15

    This is how ChessBase is working, and I don't like it much to copy this behavior. Even more an additional background color would be needed - I'm using already three different background colors (active, inactive, disabled) - and I think it's to confusing to have four different backgrounds.

    For this purpose - fast access to recently used databases - a menu entry in the context sensitive menu is already existing.

  • Gregor Cramer

    Gregor Cramer - 2013-05-26

    I think that in a future version it will be possible to lock
    databases. Locked databases will be reloaded at next
    start. I've implemented this already for games. If you
    lock a game, this game and the associated databases
    will be re-loaded in next session.

  • Cecchino

    Cecchino - 2013-05-28

    Ok, i believe it could be an useful feature. Maybe the locked databases should no reloaded "completely" at next start, but only graphically. I am talking about the so-called (from software engineers) "lazy invocation", in order to speed up the start of scidb

  • Gregor Cramer

    Gregor Cramer - 2013-05-28

    I'm already working on a different solution: loading databases in
    background (threading).


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