

Fulvio bstp
What Is SCID?

SCID is an open application to view, edit, and manage collections of Chess games.
SCID is multi-platform: it runs on Windows, Unix/Linux, OSX, and Android.
SCID is an acronym that stands for Shane's Chess Information Database.

For its functionalities, see SCID's [Menus].
For videos, click on [ScreenCasts].

What Can I Get?

The [ScidProject] maintains and freely provides:

How Can I Give Back?

Please, do contribute to the project!

What is this Wiki?

This wiki updates the SCID's documentation and compiles frequently answered questions on the mailing list.
For a list of categorized wiki pages, click on Browse Labels in the left menu.
Comments, corrections, and suggestions are welcome; their authors will be added to the colophon.


Wiki: Contribute
Wiki: GetResources
Wiki: GetScid
Wiki: GiveFeedback
Wiki: Menus
Wiki: ScidProject
Wiki: ScreenCasts
Wiki: WikiColophon


  • Maurice

    Maurice - 2019-11-16

    This won't be news but, since Windows 10 version 1709, the "Program Files" folder has not been writeable by the user. Therefore if Scid is installed in C:\Program Files then options.dat is not writeable by the user either. I'm guessing this is why the default install is to the users directory. As OpenBSD is already disallowing the running of exectuables in the Home partition then it wont be more than a few years before Windows follows suit.

    The obvious solution is to place options.dat into %USERPROFILE% . Just making sure this is on someone's todo list. :)

    Thanks for all the efforts folks!

  • Paulo Sergio Zanetti

    Great chess database program. Thanks!

  • tom lombard

    tom lombard - 2023-05-31

    just downloaded SCID onto my MacBook Air and tried to launch it. alert tells me that i'm running OS 10.14.6 but SCID requires OS 10.4 or later. obvious bug someone (that gets math) needs to fix but is there any way around this before a fix happens?

  • Jeff M Lowery

    Jeff M Lowery - 2023-07-18

    I've incorporated SCID codes, variations, and opening names into the github project called eco.json.

    • bstp

      bstp - 2023-08-06


  • Jonathan

    Jonathan - 2024-01-24

    What does it mean that the winning percentage is grayed out for some moves in the tree view?

    • bstp

      bstp - 2024-01-25


      It means the stats is getting impressive.

      No idea what's the cutoff point.

  • Jonathan

    Jonathan - 2024-01-28

    Thanks for your reply bstp.
    If it means the stats for the move is imressive.
    Than how comes the move Ng5 isn't grayed out?
    Because the stats are even higher 73,6% vs 72,7% for cxd5.
    I also noticed that the move cxd5 is not longer grayed out if I scrol fowards and backwards the tree.


    Last edit: Jonathan 2024-01-29
    • bstp

      bstp - 2024-01-28

      It seems that under 20 games the positive or negative results are not emphasized. See my example. In my SCID, the positive results are in green and the negative results are in red.

  • Jonathan

    Jonathan - 2024-01-28

    Does someone know if it is possible somehow to select multiple not adjasent games in a database in Scid?
    And to export only these games to a new database?

    Like you can in Chessbase by selecting games using the ctrl and shift keys.
    I this is not possible is there some other way to achieve this?

    I know I can do a search by game number
    like game 1-10
    I wonder if I can also do a search like this: game 1-10, 15-19, 99-100
    In one go to export only these games to a new database.

    • bstp

      bstp - 2024-01-28

      I do not think it's possible to select multiple games from the Game List. Operations are done via the Filter. One could export games from the filter to another database.

    • Fulvio

      Fulvio - 2024-01-29

      Enter in the Gamelist's Find Bar:
      gnum 1-10 + gnum 15-19 + gnum 99-100

  • Jonathan

    Jonathan - 2024-01-30

    Thanks Fulvio

  • William Strong

    William Strong - 2024-03-04

    I had a database become corrupted while using Scid 5. This seems to happen fairly often (I already had this happen, and remade it manually). It doesn't look like Scid 5 has a maintenance repair window. Can someone help fix this? Attached database.

    • Fulvio

      Fulvio - 2024-03-04

      Please read this; it contains an explanation and also a shell command to fix the database:

      • William Strong

        William Strong - 2024-03-04

        Thank you!

        • William Strong

          William Strong - 2024-03-05

          Worked like a charm. Appreciate you Fulvio


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