
#11 SBML validator not responding



It seems the SBML online validator is currently not working for me. I get the following error after uploading the model and a long waiting period (the model is not big and would usually be validated in less than the allocated 60s):

502 Proxy error
Proxy Error

The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
The proxy server could not handle the request POST /Facilities/Validator/ValidatorServlet.

Reason: Error reading from remote server


  • Frank Bergmann

    Frank Bergmann - 2015-04-13

    Thanks for letting us know, I've restarted the service, and things seem to be working fine now, I will continue to monitor the situation. I cannot find anything that would have caused this behavior.


  • Camille Laibe

    Camille Laibe - 2015-04-14

    Indeed works now. Thank you.

  • Nathalie Poupin

    Nathalie Poupin - 2015-06-04

    I have the exact same problem. However the model I'm trying to validate is rather big (39M): could that be the cause of the problem? (I uploaded it as a compressed file)
    Thank you for your help.

  • Frank Bergmann

    Frank Bergmann - 2015-06-04

    The validator is up and running. However, you are correct that your file is rather big, as such even after you compress it, it would be to 'schedule the validation' rather than run the direct validation.

    Once you do, if you send us the id, that you get returned, we could have a look what might be the particular issue in your case.

    All the best

  • Nathalie Poupin

    Nathalie Poupin - 2015-06-04

    It indeed works when I "schedule the validation" rather than using the direct validation.
    Thanks a lot for your help!

  • Jim Sluka

    Jim Sluka - 2015-07-22

    As of 10:07 AM (eastern) it looks like the validator is down, I get:

    Proxy Error

    The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
    The proxy server could not handle the request POST /Facilities/Validator/ValidatorServlet.

    Reason: Error reading from remote server

  • Michael Hucka

    Michael Hucka - 2015-07-23

    Hi Jim,

    It seems to be working now. I think what might have happened is that something slammed the server with a lot of connections and made everything crawl. This needs to be fixed ... Anyway, let us know if it's still a problem for you.

    Thanks for reporting it.

  • Jim Sluka

    Jim Sluka - 2015-07-23

    Thanks Mike.

    The last couple days have been weird, several of the SBML tools I use regularly quit working.

    • Online SBML Validator quit (this thread)
    • My local copy of SBMLeditor quit working
    • Both my local copy and the online version of SBML2LaTex quit working.

    I had to do a system restore (Windows 7) back a couple days to get my local tools working again. You fixed the Validator and I haven't heard back from University of Tübingen about the online SBML2LaTex.

    I know the last two on the list are Java (not sure about the Validator) and Java was updated a couple days ago (to version 8.51), I wonder if there is a relation between the programs failing and the Java update?

    Pretty much burned a whole day getting everything working again. I hate computers. ;)

    • Michael Hucka

      Michael Hucka - 2015-07-24

      It is entirely possible that the Java-based programs are affected by the version of Java. For SBMLeditor, contact Nico Rodriguez directly -- he usually responds in less than 24hrs on week days.

      Regarding SBML2LaTeX: contact Andreas directly. I know he was just recently moving his family to Germany and taking up a new faculty position there, so he may have been too swamped to reply at the time. If it's a persistent problem, though, I think he'll want to get it fixed.

  • Michael Hucka

    Michael Hucka - 2016-06-28
    • status: open --> closed
    • Group: -->

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