Frank Bergmann - 2015-01-20

The comments associated with this ticket were lost in late 2014.
The SBML Team manually recovered the comments. The text is appended below.

Comment By: GerardW (gerardw)
Date: 2014-08-19 14:02

additional attachments

Attachment: gw_Solver_Suite.xml (4.5 MB; text/xml) hs_err_pid3100.log (16.1 kB; application/octet-stream)

Comment By: Sarah Keating (sarahkeating)
Date: 2014-08-19 21:09

Hi Gerard

Thanks for the report. This issue occurs when libSBML tries to read the 'req' listOfChangedMaths element. It will work if you prefix all these elements/attributes rather than leave them not prefixed.

I agree that libsbml needs to deal with this a little more kindly and I will look into it properly when I get back from the meeting I'm currently at.

Was the test file written out using libSBML ??



Comment By: GerardW (gerardw)
Date: 2014-08-20 17:28

I'm working on updating Virtual Cell to use the current 5.10.2 (via the downloaded libSBML.jar and *dll)

P.S. Apologies for the "shouting" on the original post -- it was artifact of the JVM error message (which starts with #)

Comment By: Sarah Keating (sarahkeating)
Date: 2014-08-21 17:13

This is now fixed in the libsbml-experimental branch of svn and will be in the next release.