
Specific catchment area

User Forum
  • kundan

    kundan - 2013-01-31

    Hi Everyone,

    I would like to calculate TWI using different flow routing methods. I calculated the catchment area using different method. In the module for calculating TWI, it asks whether the catchment area is specific catchment area or pseduo catchment area. Is there a way in SAGA to calculate specific catchment area or using the pseudo conversion will suffice.

    Thank you.

  • Volker Wichmann

    Volker Wichmann - 2013-01-31

    In case you don't like to use the "1 / cell size (pseudo specific catchment area)" method, you can use the "Flow Width and Specific Catchment Area" module to convert your catchment grids beforehand. The module provides three calculation methods:

    • Deterministic 8
    • Multiple Flow Direction (Quinn et al. 1991)
    • Aspect

    Best regards,

  • traggatmot

    traggatmot - 2014-05-14

    Under the MFD option within Specific Catchment Area, are the same default used as provided in the Catchment area (Parallel) module? (i.e. Linear flow = false, Convergence = 1.1, etc.)

  • Olaf Conrad

    Olaf Conrad - 2014-05-15! this tool just follows the approach of quinn et al. (1991) to define a flow width based on their multiple flow direction concept.

    Quinn, P.F., Beven, K.J., Chevallier, P., Planchon, O. (1991): The prediction of hillslope flow paths for distributed hydrological modelling using digital terrain models. Hydrological Processes, 5:59-79.


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