
Model Builder ?

  • Landemaine Valentin

    Hi Volker,
    I am currently developing the STREAM model (erosion model) (Cerdan et al, 2002) in SAGA using R for the preprocessing of files and SAGA GIS (RSAGA) for the processing (filled dem, flow accumulation, etc.). During the processing, I use 10 functions and for each step, a sgrd grid is created. Consequently, the calculation time is long (7min). It is possible in SAGA to developpe function like the Model Builder in Arcgis to avoid the creation of file at each step ?
    Thanks for all,

    O. Cerdan,Y. Le Bissonnais, A. Couturier and N. Saby, 2002, Modelling interrill erosion in small cultivated catchments, Hydrol. Process. 16, 3215–3226 (2002)

  • Volker Wichmann

    Volker Wichmann - 2015-09-01

    Hi Valentin,

    please have a look at the following thread:

    It has a link to a video tutorial from Rohan and a link to some documentation on how to create Tool Chains in SAGA.

  • Landemaine Valentin

    Hi Volker,
    Thank you ! It's quite useful to write a tool chain with the proposed method :). A last question : once the written script, is it possible to compil the script into SAGA in order to call the script from R ?
    Thanks for all,

  • Volker Wichmann

    Volker Wichmann - 2015-09-02

    Hi Valentin,

    no, it is not possible to compile Tool Chains into the SAGA code, but this is also not necessary. The Tool Chains (xml files) are treated by saga_gui and saga_cmd just like compiled tools (dynamic libraries). AFAIK, the RSAGA geoprocessor uses saga_cmd to call the tools, so it is also able to call the Tool Chains you create.

  • Landemaine Valentin

    Ok, if I understand just put the tool_chain.xml file into C:/Program Files(x86)/SAGA-GIS/modules
    and then from R :

    env<-rsaga.env(workspace="C:/,path="C:/Program Files(x86)/SAGA-GIS")


    Is it right ?
    I don't know if you are interested by the STREAM model by if you want i can give you the script in order to make accessible this model for many users... Actually this model is developped on the Arcgis 9.3 and no updates have been done since many years. However, this model is quite used by many users (researchers and engineers) in France and an upgrade to an another (open source) platform is expected.. For me, SAGA is the best platform..

  • Volker Wichmann

    Volker Wichmann - 2015-09-03

    Yes, this is the way it should be working.

    And it would be really great if you would contribute the STREAM model Tool Chain/script to SAGA!

  • Landemaine Valentin

    Ok I will test...

    Once the script is done, i would contribute he STREAM model Tool Chain/script to SAGA :)


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