
#376 Mouse and keyboard input broken on Mac

Sven Delmas

This is on a fully patched/updated Mavericks. I built the code from scratch (./configure --disable-credssp --disable-smartcard) and installed it. When connecting to my VirtualBox machines (rdesktop -x -m -g 1280x1024, but other permutations fail the same way) it connects fine, I get to see the machines video, but neither the mouse nor the keyboard work.

I can connect fine using Cord, or rdesktop 1.7.1, so something seems to have been broken recently. Happy to provide additional logs or try a patch.


  • Avinash Ramana

    Avinash Ramana - 2014-01-16

    I have also confirmed this to not be working on Gentoo. Interesting, they've marked the package as stable but there's no sign of this issue on forums/tracker. Attached, you'll find my compile logs, but I'm not sure this helps at all. If you need anything, please reach out to me.


  • nOrNIc

    nOrNIc - 2014-01-17

    I can confirm the same issue.
    Managed to recreate it with rdesktop-1.8.1 & latest trunk.
    Version older than 1.8.0 works perfectly fine. Tested on 2x Gentoo machines.

    I am able to connect to regular windows hosts without any problems. Only connections to VirtualBox guest fails via VRDP protocol (localhost). rdesktop to the guest directly works fine.

    I've recompiled rdesktop with following options:
    --with-debug --with-debug-kbd --with-debug-channel --with-ipv6 --disable-smartcard --disable-credssp

    When I connect I can see the login screen, but not able to click or type anything. after a second it stop refreshing as well. You have to kill it to move on.

    Debug ends on 'BITMAP_UPDATE' message. I've attached the log.

    Recreated with VirtualBox 4.2.22 and 4.3.6.
    Windows7 guest.
    All compiled for x64.
    gcc version 4.7.3
    glibc 2.17

    Added strace.log


    Last edit: nOrNIc 2014-01-17
  • Henrik Andersson

    • Group: v1.8.1 --> Future
  • Henrik Andersson

    • Group: Future --> NextRelease
  • Henrik Andersson

    Hi, I'm trying to reproduce this issue but fails, mouse and keyboard works as expected.

    I'm using rdesktop trunk (r1798) on Fedora and VirtualBox v4.3.10 r93012,
    could you please verify that this still is an issue ?

  • Henrik Andersson

    • status: open --> open-works-for-me
  • nOrNIc

    nOrNIc - 2014-05-20

    Hi Henrik,

    I've just tested that again (trunk r1799 & r1801) and as far as I can see this is not an issue any more.

    I think you fixed it in one of the previous commits as rdesktop 1.8.1 stable and old trunk r1778 still freezes the window. VirtualBox v4.3.12 r93733 x64. Tested on 2 Gentoo desktops.

    Nevertheless you fixed it, so thank you very much:)

  • nOrNIc

    nOrNIc - 2014-05-20

    Just noticed that bug #369 is probably duplication of the same problem.

    IMO fixed as well.

  • Henrik Andersson

    • status: open-works-for-me --> open-fixed
    • assigned_to: Henrik Andersson
  • Henrik Andersson

    • status: open-fixed --> closed-fixed