
#186 Noise parameter calculation on transmission line


There is a bug in the noise calculations from S parameter simulation.

When adding a transmission line with a substrate, the simulation stops and aborts (0.0.18).
The only way to circumvent this is disabling the noise calculations from the S parameter simulation in the properties window.


Bugs: #186


  • Claudio Girardi

    Claudio Girardi - 2015-10-14

    I tried with a simple circuit using a stripline but cannot reproduce the bug.
    Anyway, there was a bug in the noise simulation in 0.0.18, not strictly related to transmission lines, which has been corrected in the current development version; see for details.
    Please paste the schematic showing the issue here (it's a text file), so we can check if it works with the current code.

  • Remco Jonkman

    Remco Jonkman - 2015-10-15

    Thanks for the quick reply,

    It looks like that might have been the problem.
    When I try to run the simulation from that issue, i get the same problem.

    Anyway, I've added a schematic with the problem in the attachments.

    • Claudio Girardi

      Claudio Girardi - 2015-10-15

      Thanks for the test schematic; indeed it does not work with 0.0.18 also here; I have tested it with the current development code and there it runs fine, so the problem was related to the GitHub issue linked above.
      Now we should be close to having a new release, hopefully, which will include this bug fix (and others)

      • Remco Jonkman

        Remco Jonkman - 2015-10-19

        Thanks for the reply, good to know it was already fixed.
        Can't wait for the new release!

  • William Johnson

    William Johnson - 2016-07-15

    Same problem in 0.0.19

  • Claudio Girardi

    Claudio Girardi - 2016-07-16

    Hello William,
    could you please enclose a schematic that shows the issue?
    I have verified again the schematic sent by Remco above and it works fine in 0.0.19 here.
    BTW, please specify also which OS you are using.

    • William Johnson

      William Johnson - 2016-07-18

      Problem solved - did not properly install latest version.

      Thanks - Bill Johnson

      From: Claudio Girardi []
      Sent: Saturday, July 16, 2016 12:48 PM
      To: [qucs:bugs]
      Subject: [qucs:bugs] #186 Noise parameter calculation on transmission line

      Hello William,
      could you please enclose a schematic that shows the issue?
      I have verified again the schematic sent by Remco above and it works fine in
      0.0.19 here.
      BTW, please specify also which OS you are using.

      [bugs:#186] Noise parameter
      calculation on transmission line

      Status: open
      Group: 0.0.19
      Labels: noise s parameter
      Created: Wed Oct 14, 2015 06:33 AM UTC by Remco Jonkman
      Last Updated: Fri Jul 15, 2016 09:37 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      There is a bug in the noise calculations from S parameter simulation.

      When adding a transmission line with a substrate, the simulation stops and
      aborts (0.0.18).
      The only way to circumvent this is disabling the noise calculations from the
      S parameter simulation in the properties window.

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      Bugs: #186

  • Guilherme

    Guilherme - 2016-11-27
    • status: open --> closed-duplicate

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