
The Progect Project Manager / News: Recent posts

Status Update of Project

> Hi,
> It been a while since a new release of Pdesk or Progect? Is there a
> plan to update either of these in the near future? Last thing I
> remember was a complete rewrite. Any news?


I'm thinking of adding someone's patches for Progect and rebuilding a beta of it.

I also need to make sure it can handle opaque data from other desktop applications (explanation further on).... read more

Posted by Rick Price 2006-07-21

Source moved to Subversion

Subversion has been enabled, and new development has moved to Subversion.

Posted by Rick Price 2006-04-03


Just so people know what is going on, we are currently rewriting Progect from the ground up using object oriented technology.
This process will be completed in about 6-8 months from the time of this posting.
This although neccesary is also quite time consuming, so a lot of other things are taking the back seat like improving the web site and fixing bugs that will be gone in the new version.
Just because you don't see a lot of activity here does not mean the project has stalled.

Posted by Rick Price 2004-03-12

Progect for Palm released today: 0.29 - new project list

Progect is a project manager application for Palm type PDA's, it is very simple and easy to use, but powerful nonetheless. If you manage projects and you have a Palm type PDA you will want to look at this software. Today version 0.29 was released, it includes a new project list that allows you to categorize projects; various bug fixes and has no major stability problems.

People use Progect to manage more than just projects. They use it to manage inventory lists, shopping lists and many other things. Progect is very flexible, try it today and get your life organized!... read more

Posted by Rick Price 2003-12-17

Progect for Palm released today: 0.28 - Basic Colour Support

Progect is a project manager application for Palm type PDA's, it is very simple and easy to use, but powerful nonetheless. If you manage projects and you have a Palm type PDA you will want to look at this software. Today version 0.28 was released, it includes the long awaited basic Colour Support; various bug fixes and has no major stability problems.

People use Progect to manage more than just projects. They use it to manage inventory lists, shopping lists and many other things. Progect is very flexible, try it today and get your life organized!... read more

Posted by Rick Price 2003-10-20

Progect for Palm released today: 0.27 - Bug Fix Release

Progect is a project manager application for Palm type PDA's, it is very simple and easy to use, but powerful nonetheless. If you manage projects and you have a Palm type PDA you will want to look at this software. Today version 0.27 was released, it includes a number of highly desired bug fixes and has no major stability problems.

People use Progect to manage more than just projects. They use it to manage inventory lists, shopping lists and many other things. Progect is very flexible, try it today and get your life organized!... read more

Posted by Rick Price 2003-09-09

Progect for Palm released today: 0.26 - Stability Release

Progect is a project manager application for Palm type PDA's, it is very simple and easy to use, but powerful nonetheless. If you manage projects and you have a Palm type PDA you will want to look at this software. Today version 0.26 was released, it includes a large number of stability fixes and has no major stability problems. People use Progect to manage more than just projects. They use it to manage inventory lists, shopping lists and many other things. Progect is very flexible, try it today and get your life organized!... read more

Posted by Rick Price 2003-08-28

Progect Tentative Release Roadmap

We are currently working on creating a Release Roadmap.

At this moment:

Version 0.27 will be released on or around September 9, 2003
Version 0.28 will be released on or around September 20, 2003
Version 0.29 will be released on or around October 11, 2003
Version 0.30 and 0.31 will have major stability changes and currently have no release date.
Version 0.32 Should have ToDo synchronization fixes and has no release date.
Version 0.33 Should have HotSync fixes, and has no release date.... read more

Posted by Rick Price 2003-08-27

Upgrade to 0.23

Please read BEFORE UPGRADING !!!

There are some problems to upgrade files containing links. You must remove the links first (or wait for the next release).

Posted by Laurent Burgbacher 2001-12-02

0.22b : fixes

Here is the latest 0.22, which fixes :
uncheckable boxes problem (was 0.22a)
wrong icon position


Posted by Laurent Burgbacher 2001-05-09

0.22a : first fix


I just fixed the uncheckable boxes bug. The rest will come.

Posted by Laurent Burgbacher 2001-05-08

0.22 bugs

Sorry, already two bugs were found in the 0.22. Nothing really dangerous, but annoying :
- icons don't appear at the right place
- checkboxes can't be checked !!!

Fix soon

Posted by Laurent Burgbacher 2001-05-08

Release 0.22

Finally, the 0.22 is here. Thanks to Howard Cochran, the new developper, who's doing a great job ! For this release, things like :
- multiline items
- optional tree lines drawing
- fixed parent type (no more changing when modifying children)
- and all the stuff from the innoficial 0.21, read the HISTORY files for more details


Posted by Laurent Burgbacher 2001-05-08

Current state of Progect development


you've probably seen that Progect's development has been very quiet these last weeks... I'm no more in vacation and have very few time to work on Progect. But, development is NOT STOPPED. I read the forums (often don't answer...) and I code a little. For those who like to play with CVS, the last version availlable there adds :

- informative task type (no progress, no checkbox)
- numeric task type (with user entered limit and actual value used to calc the progress)
- fast date changer ( la DateBK4) in task edit form
- date insertion in note edition
- pageup-down, up, down, enter support in project selector
- HTML export (seagull)... read more

Posted by Laurent Burgbacher 2000-12-03

Release 0.20 - Description

Hi dear Progect users,

apparently, you're becomming more and more numerous, with something like 7500 downloads on the 0.19 !!! Beating all I could ever dream of !

News for 0.20 are :

- some new shortcuts (mainly for keyboard users), check HISTORY for a full description.
- record completion date
- constrained to subview export to doc
- set/reset dates, priorities, progress status, all or actual subview, good for template generation from an existing project (duplicate it first).
- ToDo (un)link all tasks in the actual flat view, good with a well tuned filter... read more

Posted by Laurent Burgbacher 2000-10-27

Release 0.19 - Description


News : export to Doc, global search support, flat filter enhanced, new display properties.
And two weeks of vacation for me !!!

Posted by Laurent Burgbacher 2000-10-09

Release 0.18 - Description


Some news in linking : linkmaster support and a start of direct link to MemoPad and AddressBook.

Also, Export to MemoPad is here, icon support (from the DateBK3 icon collection) and sorting in flat filter.


Posted by Laurent Burgbacher 2000-10-03

Team work

Progect is beginning to become a real teamwork ! Currently :

Seagull has already made some good code and continue with linkmaster support.
Yasuo Kanazashi is doing the japanese translation.
Kenji Nishimura has promised a japanese tutorial.
Dirk Lisenfeld is working on the german translation.
Jorge Rimblas has proposed to work on beaming.
Michal Krause is working on the czeck translation.

Thanks to all...
...and welcome to others !

Posted by Laurent Burgbacher 2000-09-29

Release 0.17 - Description


some new features : task defaults selection, better flat filter, display preferences...
No more work until next week.


Posted by Laurent Burgbacher 2000-09-21



This week, I'm working on next week's exams... So, no great progress in progect. Anyway, I'll release 0.17, probably today, with some new filter possibilities, task default choice (action or progress, priority), bold by priority, no progress style...


Posted by Laurent Burgbacher 2000-09-19

Release 0.16a - Description (Bug Fix, please update)


a little update is here, 0.16a, correct a crash happening when going to the flat view and the filter let no task pass.

Please note that there's no official release yet (time problem for me), the release is in :

It will be availlable in the normal download zone soon.

Posted by Laurent Burgbacher 2000-09-10

Release 0.16 - Description


A new great step : the Flat View and its filter.
The filter is a bit basic for now, but it will implement sorting in the future. This view is useful when you need to plan your day : just display the high priority tasks, check the todo link column for one-tap todo linking.


Posted by Laurent Burgbacher 2000-09-09

Release 0.15 - Description

Hi there,

finaly, here are the "Cut, Copy, Paste" features ! Also works from a project to another. Beware, the clipboard is emptied when quitting !

Enjoy !

Posted by Laurent Burgbacher 2000-09-07

Release 0.14 - Description

Please use with care (and as always, at you own risks ;-), it should work well, but I had few time to test, and wanted to release before leaving for vacations. I'm back next friday.
I use it since yesterday without problems.
The great news is ToDo Link. When you modify a task in progect (that's synced with a ToDo), the modifications are instantly reported to ToDo. When you modify in ToDo, the modifications are not reported automatically. You must open the task details, or choose "Sync ToDo" in the DB menu to update all tasks. I'll put a preference to automatically sync at each start of the program in a next release.... read more

Posted by Laurent Burgbacher 2000-09-01

Release 0.13 - Description

Just some bugfixes, read HISTORY

Posted by Laurent Burgbacher 2000-08-30