
#4746 (ok 4.3.12) Right-aligned columns have left-aligned header


At least in the browser, columns with right-aligned values have a left-aligned header. IMO this isn't right.


Bugs: #4746


  • tapanhalani

    tapanhalani - 2015-02-08

    Like help_category_id,parent_category_id in help_category table in mysql db, right?

  • tapanhalani

    tapanhalani - 2015-02-08

    Well on investigation, I found that this is the problem only with columns that are containing data of integer type. If I am right, I would like to work on this bug.

    Thank you

  • tapanhalani

    tapanhalani - 2015-02-09

    Just for confirming, should I start working on this bug?

  • tapanhalani

    tapanhalani - 2015-02-15

    Is this bug reproducible for only numerical columns or for any other data type too? As far as I know, numerical data are by default stored right-aligned in mysql table.

  • Olaf van der Spek

    Yes, it's only an issue for numbers.

  • tapanhalani

    tapanhalani - 2015-02-20

    I have changed the alignment of the columns of all PMA tables to left alignment using CSS. As of now, all the data , no matter what data type is it, will be shown left -aligned. Is this the fix you wanted?

  • tapanhalani

    tapanhalani - 2015-02-20

    Like this..

  • Olaf van der Spek

    Of course not. Numbers should be right-aligned.

    • tapanhalani

      tapanhalani - 2015-02-20

      Ok.sorry that I misunderstood the bug. I think i have 2 solutions for this.
      But my semester exams are going on. Can I get some more time to solve it?


      Last edit: Marc Delisle 2015-02-20
      • Marc Delisle

        Marc Delisle - 2015-02-20

        This bug ticket remains open and anyone may work on it.


        Last edit: Marc Delisle 2015-02-20
  • tapanhalani

    tapanhalani - 2015-02-26

    I think I have solved the bug.
    I adjusted the header alignment for all the header fields of numeric columns to right alignment.

    I would like to open a pull request.
    Can anyone tell me which branch should I target to push my commits?

  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2015-02-26

    Branch: QA_4_3

    • tapanhalani

      tapanhalani - 2015-02-26

      I couldn't find a branch named QA_4_3 in my list right now. Maybe I have
      mistakenly deleted that branch. How can I re-create it from the QA_4_3
      branch of master repository phpmyadmin?


      Last edit: Marc Delisle 2015-02-26
  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2015-03-03
    • assigned_to: Marc Delisle
  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2015-03-03
    • summary: Right-aligned columns have left-aligned header --> (ok 4.3.12) Right-aligned columns have left-aligned header
    • status: open --> resolved
    • Priority: Normal --> Low
  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2015-03-14
    • Status: resolved --> fixed