
p2p List - Error Contacting URL

Ducem Barr
  • Ducem Barr

    Ducem Barr - 2007-03-26

    Hi all,

    Updating the p2p list in PG2 produces an error message: Error Contacting URL.
    I checked in the browser and saw that "" points to "", which cannot be found.
    Can someone fix this, please? TIA!

    Kind regards,


    • spamtrapper

      spamtrapper - 2007-04-04

      I have a similar problem, with the exception that I got a utf8 error message. I then uninstalled pg2, and attempted to re-install it. As it turns out, I now get an error message about "logic error" with the sql database. It then says that the database is either corrupt or non-existent. It then quits attempting to continue with the installation process. As it stands, I am running without PG2 at all. (First time post, btw) THX!

      • Gambit20011

        Gambit20011 - 2007-04-04

        When you uninstalled, did you delete the entire folder manually?

    • spamtrapper

      spamtrapper - 2007-04-07

      Gambit, I just checked. I used the uninstaller, then a reg cleaner. No, the folder was still there undeleted. I'll delete the folder report back shortly. Thank you, and sorry for the delayed reply.

    • Gambit20011

      Gambit20011 - 2007-03-27
      • Ducem Barr

        Ducem Barr - 2007-03-27



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