
Peerguardian2 list update failure

  • WhoMe

    WhoMe - 2008-04-08

    Today is April 8th 2008

    Each time I try to download p2p list for Peerguardian 2 I get " 0 files " :(

    I've installed, uninstalled Peerguardian 2 at least a dozen times nothing seems to
    My OS is Win 2000 pro.
    Anyone knows why this is happening? Are the lists down forever?

    • David Skinner II

      I'm getting an error contacting URL on ADs Spyware and P2P. Is anyone else getting this?

    • P Vac

      P Vac - 2008-04-09

      I have seen this problem since yesterday. I did not go so far as to delete and reload the application multiple times. I did it once and then checked this formum. One thing to not, I tried to add other lists and still the same problem. Has anyone got any suggestions as to a resolution?

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2008-05-15

      I get the same error

    • Tec 186

      Tec 186 - 2008-09-15

      Click "List Manager"
      Select the Sourceforge address
      Click "edit"
      Replace it with this address:

    • Robert Williams

      Robert Williams - 2009-02-16

      This solved my problem, too. Thanks!


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