
PCGen :: An RPG Character Generator / News: Recent posts

PCGen entering archive mode.

It is with sad news the core team members of the PCGen BoD are stepping down (or handing off the reins to any new blood that wish to take up the challenge).

As of the release of the Pathfinder 2 datasets for 6.08.00 RC8, Andrew Maitland, the Data Lead (the core driving and unifying member of the BoD) will be ceasing any ongoing upkeep and direct involvement with the project. We hope this is accomplished by the end of the year (2020)... read more

Posted by Paul Grosse 2020-08-03

PCGen 6.07.07 Released!

PCGen is pleased to announce the release of PCGen 6.07.07 (Alpha). Note: There was an issue with the Windows Installer, it should be fixed and uploaded later today)

The Formula change over is steadily progressing, with this release FACE and BaseSize has been converted. We also have two new publisher products, a source from TPK and LPJ Design!... read more

Posted by Paul Grosse 2018-03-20

PCGen 6.02.00 Released!

The PCGen team is pleased to announce the release of PCGen 6.02.00 Production Release. Thank you to everyone that reported bugs with the release candidate!

In this release the PCGen Team has added a number of new data sets since the last production release, including Paizo's Inner Sea Bestiary, Blood of Fiends, Dungeoneer's Handbook, Faiths of Balance, Faiths of Corruption, Goblins of Golarion, Advanced Race Guide, Bestiary 3, Ultimate Equipment, Skulls & Shackles AP Player's Guide, Super Genius Games' Adventurer's Handbook, The Genius Guide to: Air Magic, AEG's Empire, Broken Ruler Games Killshot: The Director's Cut, Dreamscarred Press's Psionics Expanded, Master the Battle, Pawns and Powers, Minotaur Games's Monster Focus: Skeletons, Zombies, Paradigm Concepts's Magic of Arcanis, and WotC's Monster Manual II OGC... read more

Posted by Paul Grosse 2013-12-23

PCGen 6.01.07 Alpha Released

The PCGen Team is pleased to announce the release of our latest developmental release, PCGen 6.01.07 Alpha. Download your copy today.

In this alpha release the PCGen Team continues to deliver more of the most requested sources, with Paizo's Pathfinder books Bestiary 3 and Ultimate Equipment now available for use in PCGen! For the full detail on these and all other changes made in this alpha release check out the full Release Notes.... read more

Posted by Maredudd 2013-10-09

PCGen 6.01.06 (Alpha) Released!

The PCGen team is pleased to announce the release of PCGen 6.01.06 Alpha.

In this release the PCGen Team has added a number of new data sets, including Paizo's Goblins of Golarion, Skulls & Shackles AP Player's Guide, Super Genius Games' Adventurer's Handbook, and WotC's Monster Manual II OGC. In addition to these new data sets, a number of data and code bugs have been fixed and a number of "under-the-hood" changes made that improve the user experience. For the full detail on these and all other changes made in this alpha release, check out the Release Notes.... read more

Posted by Maredudd 2013-09-15

PCGen 6.01.05 (Alpha) Released!

The PCGen team is pleased to announce the release of PCGen 6.01.05 Alpha.

In this release the PCGen Team has made a number of changes including the improvement of PCGen's support for Paizo's Pathfinder Society and adding Paizo's Advanced Race Guide and Dreamscarred Press' Psionics Expanded to the alpha release. Additionally, a number of under-the-hood changes have been made that will impact our homebrew community as we reorganize our data folder. These changes will improve the long term maintainability for our ever growing library of data sets. For the full detail on these and all other changes made in this alpha release, check out the Release Notes.... read more

Posted by Maredudd 2013-08-13

PCGen 6.01.04 Released

The PCGen team is pleased to announce the release of PCGen 6.01.04 Alpha.

In this release the PCGen Team has made a number of changes including adding a few new data sets to PCGen and making a number of "under the hood" changes that will make things easier for homebrew set authors. For the full detail on all changes made in this alpha release, check out the Release Notes.... read more

Posted by Maredudd 2013-07-09

PCGen v6.00.1 RC2 Released!

PCGen v6.00.1 RC2 Released!

Welcome to PCGen v6.00.1 RC2 is the second release candidate for the patch to PCGen 6.00. This release includes over 150 bug fixes and improvements that we've made since the 6.0 production release. See the Change Log for 6.00.1 RC2 for full details of this latest build. The highlights of the changes for PCGen 6.00.1 are listed below: :

Major Changes
-- Further improvements to source selection
-- Allow user to choose sources when loading existing character
-- Data Converter improvements... read more

Posted by David R. Bender 2013-04-19

PCGen v6.00.0 Released!

PCGen v6.00.0 Released!

Welcome to PCGen v6.00.0, the latest stable release of PCGen. In this release we have introduced a new user interface and made substantial changes under the hood including hundreds of new features. The highlights of the changes for PCGen 6.0 are listed below:

Major Changes
New user interface
-- A faster, more responsive GUI, particularly when using multiple characters.
-- A redesigned interface intended to be friendlier and more informative
-- Support for Java 7 and Open JDK
-- Faster startup time
Improved performance
Install to non admin location on Windows
Full spell descriptions in RSRD and Pathfinder
Command line PDF generation... read more

Posted by David R. Bender 2012-11-10

PCGen v6.00.0 RC1 Released!

PCGen v6.00.0 RC1 is the first release candidate for PCGen 6.0. It represents a product we believe is ready for production use and which we would like your assistance in testing out. In particular the PCGen team would appreciate your feedback on importing your characters and data from earlier versions of PCGen. The highlights of the changes for PCGen 6.0 are listed below:

Major Changes
New user interface
- A faster, more responsive GUI, particularly when using multiple characters.
- A redesigned interface intended to be friendlier and more informative
- Support for Java 7 and Open JDK
- Faster startup time
Improved performance
Install to non admin location on Windows
Full spell descriptions in RSRD and Pathfinder
Command line PDF generation... read more

Posted by David R. Bender 2012-10-31

PCGen v5.17.20 (beta) Released!

PCGen v5.17.20 is our fourth beta in the lead-up to our 6.0 release. We've continued to squash bugs and improve the stability of PCGen. Thanks again for the great feedback and reports of issues!

A word about what a beta release is for the PCGen team. This is a build that has all of the new features that we plan shipping with v6.0. The beta cycle is where we focus on bug fixing and generally getting the program solid. An essential part of this is of course you trying it out and letting us know of any issues you find. Our trained monkeys are ready and waiting for your email to the PCGen mailing list!... read more

Posted by David R. Bender 2012-10-15

PCGen v5.17.19 (beta) Released!

PCGen v5.17.19 is our third beta in the lead-up to our 6.0 release. We've continued to squash bugs and improve the stability of PCGen. Thanks again for the great feedback and reports of issues!

A word about what a beta release is for the PCGen team. This is a build that has all of the new features that we plan shipping with v6.0. The beta cycle is where we focus on bug fixing and generally getting the program solid. An essential part of this is of course you trying it out and letting us know of any issues you find. Our trained monkeys are ready and waiting for your email to the PCGen mailing list!... read more

Posted by David R. Bender 2012-10-10

PCGen v5.17.17 (beta) Released!

PCGen v5.17.17 (beta) Released!

Welcome to our first beta for the 6.0 cycle! Its been a bit longer then we were expecting, but we think it is worth the wait. We've been hard at work and fixed a slew of bugs, added some great new features and generally been getting everything into shape for release.

A word about what a beta release is for the PCGen team. This is a build that has all of the new features that we plan shipping with v6.0. The beta cycle is where we focus on bug fixing and generally getting the program solid. An essential part of this is of course you trying it out and letting us know of any issues you find. Our trained monkeys are ready and waiting for your email to the PCGen mailing list!... read more

Posted by David R. Bender 2012-09-12

PCGen v5.17.16 (alpha) Released!

PCGen v5.17.16 (alpha) Released!

PCGen v5.17.16 is our last alpha for this cycle! We are almost done with new additions to the new UI and expect to head for a beta release in the next week or two. Some notable changes are:

New, improved choosers in most locations
Pop-up context menu on the purchase tab for buying or selling multiple item.

The new user interface does most of what you are used to, but will not initially support NPC generation and LST editor functionality.... read more

Posted by David R. Bender 2012-07-17

PCGen v5.17.15 (alpha) Released!

PCGen v5.17.15 is an alpha release with a difference.

PCGen v5.17.15 continues to round out the new UI and stabilise the feature set as we head for a beta release soon. Some notable changes are:

New Temporary Bonuses tab
Choices are back on the Abilities tab
Elemental wizards class bonuses to skills

The new user interface does most of what you are used to, but will not initially support NPC generation and LST editor functionality. We are almost done with the behind the scenes work for the next big version too, we will soon be going to beta and then aiming for a new production release. We welcome your input, just comment on the wiki pages or post to the PCGen mailing list.... read more

Posted by David R. Bender 2012-06-22

PCGen v5.17.12 (alpha) Released!

PCGen v5.17.12 (alpha) Released!

PCGen v5.17.12 is an alpha release with a difference.

We continue to improve our new user interface! Some of the more noticeable changes are:

Added kits support
Revamped the Advanced Sources tab
Description tab - Added notes functionality
Reorganised menus

The new user interface does most of what you are used to, but we still have to get familiars, companions and temporary mods working. It is important to remember that this is an alpha in the industry standard sense and will have rough edges. We are putting it out for feedback but recommend you don't pick it up for your regular game use just yet.... read more

Posted by David R. Bender 2012-03-21

PCGen v5.17.11 Released

PCGen v5.17.11 (alpha) Released!

PCGen v5.17.11 is an alpha release with a difference.

For the first time, we introduce our new user interface!

The new user interface does most of what you are used to, but we still have to get kits, familiars, companions and temporary mods working. It is important to remember that this is an alpha in the industry standard sense and will have rough edges. We are putting it out for feedback but recommend you don't pick it up for your regular game use just yet.... read more

Posted by David R. Bender 2012-02-19

PCGen 5.17.10 (Alpha) Released

PCGen 5.17.10 (Alpha) marks the PCGen team's shift of focus to the next developmental cycle. Download your free copy here:

One of the primary goals for this cycle (5.17.x/6.0) includes the completion of 'under-the-hood' architectural changes begun in 5.14.x and continued through 5.16.x. These changes, though for the most part invisible to the user, will make way for some long needed changes in the user experience as work begins on overhauling the User Interface and the LST Editors. Another benefit of the changes underway as part of this development cycle will be a furthering of PCGen's flexibility when working with the d20 rules system, but will in the end, also make it easier to adapt PCGen to the myriad rules system used throughout the gaming industry.... read more

Posted by David R. Bender 2012-02-01

PCGen 5.17.9 (Alpha) Released

PCGen 5.17.9 (Alpha) Released

PCGen 5.17.9 (Alpha) marks the PCGen team's shift of focus to the next developmental cycle. Download your free copy here:

One of the primary goals for this cycle (5.17.x/6.0) includes the completion of 'under-the-hood' architectural changes begun in 5.14.x and continued through 5.16.x. These changes, though for the most part invisible to the user, will make way for some long needed changes in the user experience as work begins on overhauling the User Interface and the LST Editors. Another benefit of the changes underway as part of this development cycle will be a furthering of PCGen's flexibility when working with the d20 rules system, but will in the end, also make it easier to adapt PCGen to the myriad rules system used throughout the gaming industry.... read more

Posted by David R. Bender 2011-11-19

PCGen 5.17.9 (Alpha) Released

PCGen 5.17.9 (Alpha) Released

PCGen 5.17.9 (Alpha) marks the PCGen team's shift of focus to the next developmental cycle. Download your free copy here:

One of the primary goals for this cycle (5.17.x/6.0) includes the completion of 'under-the-hood' architectural changes begun in 5.14.x and continued through 5.16.x. These changes, though for the most part invisible to the user, will make way for some long needed changes in the user experience as work begins on overhauling the User Interface and the LST Editors. Another benefit of the changes underway as part of this development cycle will be a furthering of PCGen's flexibility when working with the d20 rules system, but will in the end, also make it easier to adapt PCGen to the myriad rules system used throughout the gaming industry.... read more

Posted by David R. Bender 2011-11-19

[pcgen] Pathfinder Advanced Players Guide OOC

The PCGen Team is proud to announce the release and immediate availability of the seventh and final update to the Pathfinder Advanced Players Guide OOC Data Set!

Download your copy today:

This release is the seventh release in a series of updates aimed at bringing the most current fixes for the Pathfinder APG data set to v5.16.4. It can be installed on top of all previous updates but does not require them.... read more

Posted by David R. Bender 2011-08-11

PCGen 5.17.8 (Alpha) Released

PCGen 5.17.8 (Alpha) marks the PCGen team's shift of focus to the next developmental cycle. Download your free copy here:

One of the primary goals for this cycle (5.17.x/6.0) includes the completion of 'under-the-hood' architectural changes begun in 5.14.x and continued through 5.16.x. These changes, though for the most part invisible to the user, will make way for some long needed changes in the user experience as work begins on overhauling the User Interface and the LST Editors. Another benefit of the changes underway as part of this development cycle will be a furthering of PCGen's flexibility when working with the d20 rules system, but will in the end, also make it easier to adapt PCGen to the myriad rules system used throughout the gaming industry.... read more

Posted by David R. Bender 2011-07-31

Pathfinder Advanced Players Guide OOC Data Se

The PCGen Team is proud to announce the release and immediate availability of the sixth update to the Pathfinder Advanced Players Guide OOC Data Set!

Download your copy today:

This release is the fifth in a series of updates aimed at bringing the most current fixes for the Pathfinder APG data set to v5.16.4. It can be installed on top of updates 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 but does not require them.... read more

Posted by David R. Bender 2011-06-04

PCGen 5.17.7 (Alpha) Released

PCGen 5.17.7 (Alpha) marks the PCGen team's shift of focus to the next developmental cycle. Download your free copy here:

One of the primary goals for this cycle (5.17.x/6.0) includes the completion of 'under-the-hood' architectural changes begun in 5.14.x and continued through 5.16.x. These changes, though for the most part invisible to the user, will make way for some long needed changes in the user experience as work begins on overhauling the User Interface and the LST Editors. Another benefit of the changes underway as part of this development cycle will be a furthering of PCGen's flexibility when working with the d20 rules system, but will in the end, also make it easier to adapt PCGen to the myriad rules system used throughout the gaming industry.... read more

Posted by David R. Bender 2011-05-28

Pathfinder Advanced Players Guide OOC Data Se

The PCGen Team is proud to announce the release and immediate availability of the fourth update to the Pathfinder Advanced Players Guide OOC Data Set!

Download your copy today:

This release is the fifth in a series of updates aimed at bringing the most current fixes for the Pathfinder APG data set to v5.16.4. It can be installed on top of updates 1, 2, 3 and 4 but does not require them.... read more

Posted by David R. Bender 2011-04-23