
#1173 Can't import files created with KPV1_to_PWS.xslt

Next release
Linux (119)
Bill Wohler

I used (a modified) KPV1_to_PWS.xslt file to convert my Keepassx XML file (version 0.4.3 on Debian Linux) to create a pwsafe.xml file. When I tried to import it, I got the following error:

File: /home/wohler/tmp/pwsafe.xml failed validation against XML Schema:

Do you wish to see a detailed report?

When I clicked Yes to see the report, the page was blank.

I suspect the Keepassx on Debian predates your KP1 format, which is would explain the differences in the attached XSLT file which are largely just to the input tags. I've also attached sanitized input and output XML files, processed as follows:

$ xalan -xsl KPV1_to_PWS.xslt -in keepass.xml -out pwsafe.xml

Note that I also removed the <group> tags in the input file in order to get the xslt file to work with minimal changes (which may also have been my undoing :-). Still, the import with the empty <group/> tags should have still worked.

The failure to import the file could be my fault. However, the detailed report should have described the problem.

Version: passwordsafe-debian-0.93BETA.amd64.deb

3 Attachments


  • rafaelx

    rafaelx - 2018-09-02

    In the attached XML file are UUID tags for each entry, but no UUID's within those tags. In version 1.05BETA the report points to the missing UUID for each of the entries, which are mandatory. After removing the empty UUID tags from the XML the import succeeded and for each entry a new UUID was generated, which appears in a new exported XML file.

    Seems that KPV1_to_PWS.xslt needs an update.

  • rafaelx

    rafaelx - 2018-09-03

    Maybe it's not that KPV1_to_PWS.xslt needs an update, instead an own XML transformation script might be more useful, that is specialized on the XML format and tag names that KeePassX uses.

    We have KPV1_to_PWS.xslt and KPV2_to_PWS.xslt. I would propose to create KPX_to_PWS.xslt.

  • rafaelx

    rafaelx - 2018-12-10
    • labels: --> Linux
    • status: open --> pending
    • Group: v1.0_(example) --> Next release
    • Priority: 1 --> Medium
  • rafaelx

    rafaelx - 2018-12-10

    New transformation file 'xml/KPX0_to_PWS.xslt' was provided by pm-kan.

    Fixed by [89b5d43]. Will be released with 1.07BETA.

  • rafaelx

    rafaelx - 2019-01-02
    • status: pending --> closed
  • rafaelx

    rafaelx - 2019-01-02

    Released with 1.07BETA.


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