
ProxyPass with OrangeHRM

  • Mafaz Mazeen

    Mafaz Mazeen - 2010-02-11

    Thank you for sharing this great application.

    Currently we need help with the config to make orangehrm work in a proxypass environment. Please share the configuration on how to make orangehrm work with proxypass in apache.

    This is how the server has been setup. There is one instance of apache on port 80. The other apache instance is running on port 8182. Everything is working fine but the xajax stuff. It is not possible to change how the server is working. We have to use proxypass in the rewrite.

    Did some simple checking and it seems this may be code that is causing the problem. The port number is coming in the xajaxRequestUri variable.

    Is there any config setting that we can force the url to be without the port number?

    ------- start - source taken from firefox -----------
    <script type="text/javascript"><!-//-><![CDATA[//><!-
    var xajaxRequestUri="";
    var xajaxDebug=false;
    var xajaxStatusMessages=false;
    var xajaxWaitCursor=true;
    var xajaxDefinedGet=0;
    -------- end -----------------


  • Mafaz Mazeen

    Mafaz Mazeen - 2010-02-16

    Hi Anthony,

    One of my friend told this can be avoided if the following done.
    Not sure whether this would help.
    Pls try and post the result.

        We can force the server port as follows
        $_SERVER = 80

        If their port is different, we can force to take the port 80 in file


  • Mafaz Mazeen

    Mafaz Mazeen - 2010-02-16

    Thank you very very much for replying.

    Tried as per the message above and it did not work.

    Then learning from the example you gave, I tried the following and it worked.

    ------ start ---------------
    $_SERVER = "";
    ------- end -----------------
    in orangehrm-

    Please note that I am not sure if it is the right thing to do. I am not a programmer.

    Once again thank you very much for replying. Without your reply, I would still be stuck.


  • Mafaz Mazeen

    Mafaz Mazeen - 2010-02-16

    Hi Anthony,

    I also not familiar with AJAX that much and i'll try to get the friend review your change and if there is a better way of doing this, will update you here in this thread.
