
direct connection with other apps

  • Mafaz Mazeen

    Mafaz Mazeen - 2009-11-13

    Is it possible to connect orangehrm with another extern application (send directly information from orangeHRM to a wage application from another company)
    The objective is to send directly information from orangeHRM to another company

    Kan je OrangeHRM koppelen met het sociaal secretariaat (Belgie) ?
    Dus dat je vanuit orangehrm rechtstreeks de gegevens kan verzenden naar het sociaal secretariaat.


  • Mafaz Mazeen

    Mafaz Mazeen - 2009-11-18


    To do this you need to create interfaces for both sides. You may use web services to connect over internet. It is very popular these days. But you have to change the coding. I think to do that you have to dig deeper in the system.
    If you need customization you better contact OrangeHRM customization team. Then they will do it for you.


  • Arnold De Souza

    Arnold De Souza - 2010-08-18

    Has an API been built yet for OrangeHRM?
    I am interested in an API for pushing compliance related information into an employee's record, such as licensing, license expirations, training taken.
    Also, I need the change-tracking feature, and ideally, for OrangeHRM to call my web service 'on change' to demographic, skill or compliance data.


    Mike A.

    PS: intro: I downloaded it, installed it, and beginning to evaluate it technically prior to handing it over to the HR team.