
Bugs in 2.5

  • Mafaz Mazeen

    Mafaz Mazeen - 2009-10-14

    Hi All,

    I got a error message in browser (see below) after installed 2.5 in windows 2003 server. (It worked for 2.4.1 before)
    Any idea for it? Thanks for your help.

    Object not found!
    The requested URL was not found on this server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.
    If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.

    Error 404
    10/14/09 09:51:33
    Apache/2.2.11 (Win32) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.11 OpenSSL/0.9.8i mod_autoindex_color PHP/5.2.8


  • Mafaz Mazeen

    Mafaz Mazeen - 2009-10-14

    I have the system installed, no problem. Everything looks great and am very excited about the potential for OrangeHRM. Great work on the new 2.5 version!

    I am having problems with the punch in and punch out feature of 2.5. The data is not being properly stored in the database. After punching out, the employee receives a message indicating that their hours have been saved, however when the employee goes to check their timesheet, no hours appear. I checked as an admin and it again shows no data. When I check the database, I see values for the various employees, however all of the times are incorrect:

    2009-10-12 00:00:00 2009-10-18 23:59:59
    2009-10-05 00:00:00 2009-10-11 23:59:59
    2009-10-12 00:00:00 2009-10-18 23:59:59

    • Thanks in advance,
      Max Bailey.


  • Mafaz Mazeen

    Mafaz Mazeen - 2009-10-14

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    Re: Bugs

    Postby Gayanath » 14 Oct 2009 11:14 am
    Hi Max,

    Can you please mention which database table you checked. Punch In/Out data is stored in `hs_hr_attendance` table.

    As admin, you can see Attendance reports at Time > Attendance > Employee Reports.

  • Mafaz Mazeen

    Mafaz Mazeen - 2009-10-19

    Ah, I was looking in hs_hr_timesheet. I checked the hs_hr_attendance and low and behold there it is.

    Thank you for pointing the correction!

    • Max
  • Mafaz Mazeen

    Mafaz Mazeen - 2009-10-27

    hi all,

    recently we installed ver 2.5 successfully.we tried employee punch in punch out. it is working and we are able to generale the employee attendence report but FAILED TO GENERATE TIME SHEET.while trying to generate the same we are getting a blank format without any data!

    please help us on this.

    thanks a lot


  • Mafaz Mazeen

    Mafaz Mazeen - 2009-10-27

    hi all,

    time sheet problem solved.

    now facing problem with leave module

    we are running the programme form our shared host.

    when trying to assign/ apply leave getting an error message:

    is_file() : open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/usr/lib/sendmail) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/(my domian):/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp)

    Technical Details
    Encountered the problem in /home/(mydomain)/public_html/templates/leave/leaveApply.php Line 203

    System Environment
    •OrangeHRM : 2.5
    •PHP : 5.2.9
    •MySQL Client : 5.0.77
    •Memory limit : 64M
    •Maximum session lifetime : 1440

    Please note
    The error was logged in the OrangeHRM log located

    i sent the test mail successfully.

    please come with a solution



  • Mafaz Mazeen

    Mafaz Mazeen - 2009-11-03

    hi all,
    recently we installed ver 2.5 successfully, but choose "ADMIN-COMPANY INFO-GENERAL" the page couldn't show, it showed as below:

    Undefined offset: 1

    Technical Details
    Encountered the problem in /var/www/html/lib/controllers/ViewController.php Line 3235

    System Environment
    OrangeHRM : 2.5
    PHP : 5.1.6
    MySQL Client : 5.0.45
    Memory limit : 128M
    Maximum session lifetime : 1440

    Please note
    The error was logged in the OrangeHRM log located in /var/www/html/lib/logs/logDB.txt
    If you are unable to resolve the problem please post the problem in OrangeHRM Forum"

    please help us on this.
    thanks a lot


  • Mafaz Mazeen

    Mafaz Mazeen - 2009-12-03

    dear all,

    I have adjust my day shift to 9.00hrs/day. But when i tried to apply for a day off  it giving me error saying that:-
    - Total time is greater than the shift length (Workshift length is 8 hours)

    This problem has been fixed in the v2501 according to the "new_changed_features.txt".

    I had successful upgrade from v242 - v2501.

    Thank you.

  • Mafaz Mazeen

    Mafaz Mazeen - 2009-12-08


    I think i havent' convey the message properly. Truth is I'm still having the problem.
    Even though, the shift is 9-hours, when i try to apply for day-off, error comes.

    would appreciate your help very-much.

    Thank you.

  • Mafaz Mazeen

    Mafaz Mazeen - 2009-12-09

    We have installed successfully 2.5 from 2.4.2 using the ungrader alpha 3, and got the following bugs:

    - Even if we are logged as Administrator, when we try to use any of the Administration options it says "Your are not authorize to view this page", then it just put us out from the administration functions and just let us to see the self-service sections.

    - The template beyondT doesn´t work properly. It shows a white box with orange border under the welcome message and doesn´t show the lateral menus.

    - At the orange templade, the dropdown menu shows the options in a different char set than utf-8. It means that if you use spanish characters like ó for the letter " ó " in the word Sección (Section) you would see the word Sectión which means that it hasn´t been converted to utf-8.

    - At the employees list, the last name are changed at the columns Employee Name and Supervisor, it means that the last name is showed instead of the second name and viceversa.

    - In language the define for lang_Leave_Leave_list_Period is missing

    - In TimeSheets the days names (Monday, Tuesday, etc) are not translated to the default or current language (they are allways in english)

    - In TimeSheets for employees there is a bug when you use the buttons Previous or Next to see other timesheets. It doesn´t change to the right week and just goes to the first timesheet introduced. We fixed that changing the function actionNav in the file \templates\time\timesheetView.php. Please see here what we changed (I don´t know if we did that in the right way but it works now):

    Code: Select all
        function actionNav(nav) {

        <?php if ($self) { ?>
           switch (nav) {
              case 1  : $("txtStartDate").value = prev.startDate;

                      $("txtEndDate").value = prev.endDate;
              case -1 : $("txtStartDate").value = next.startDate;
                      $("txtEndDate").value = next.endDate;
           $("frmTimesheet").action= initialAction+"View_Timesheet";
           $("txtTimesheetId").disabled= true;
        <?php } else { ?>
           switch (nav) {
        /*      case 1  : $("frmTimesheet").action= initialAction+"Fetch_Prev_Timesheet";
              case -1 : $("frmTimesheet").action= initialAction+"Fetch_Next_Timesheet";

              case 1  : $("txtStartDate").value = prev.startDate;

                      $("txtEndDate").value = prev.endDate;
              case -1 : $("txtStartDate").value = next.startDate;
                      $("txtEndDate").value = next.endDate;

           $("frmTimesheet").action= initialAction+"View_Timesheet";
           $("txtTimesheetId").disabled= true;

        <?php } ?>



    - At the Employe report and Project report screens the select combo boxes which have long project names goes out of the boundaries os the orange border in the screen.

    - In vacancy it shows:

        Undefined variable: searchby

        Technical Details
        Encountered the problem in /var/www/html/orangehrm/ Line 269

    Thanks a lot for any prompt answer on how to fix all these issues and congratulations for your software. We will be developing an integration of a Time Clock to the Punch In/Out function (OA200) and will tell you once we have it done.

    Waiting for your answers …


  • Mafaz Mazeen

    Mafaz Mazeen - 2010-01-08

    Hi OrangeHRM fellows,

    I found a bug in the "job application feature" on localhost/orangehrm/jobs.php.

    When a candidate submit his profile pasting his CV under the section "Qualifications and Experience"; it generates an issue and all entered data are lost.

    It should be corrected if I don't want to loose my interesting candidates ;-)

    Please find below the error message:

    Code: Select all
        MySQL Query Error : INSERT INTO `hs_hr_job_application` (`application_id`, `vacancy_id`, `firstname`, `middlename`, `lastname`, `street1`, `street2`, `city`, `country_code`, `province`, `zip`, `phone`, `mobile`, `email`, `qualifications`, `status`, `applied_datetime`, `emp_number`, `resume_name`, `resume_data`) VALUES ('13', '5', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', '', 'test', 'AF', 'test', 'test', '', '', '', 'testAgnès DELCOURT 17 Rue Guynemer 92 370 Chaville Tél 01 45 07 95 53 /e-mail EXPERIENCE PROFESSIONNELLE Depuis janvier 1994 JOURNALISTE INDÉPENDANTE Collaboration à divers titres professionnels et grand public, participation à la rédaction de nombreux guides et ouvrages dont : STRATEGIES, GUIDE DU DESIGN, GUIDE DES MEDIAS, NEWSLETTER, CREATION, LSA, FRANCE GRAPHIQUE, ETAPES GRAPHIQUES, CARACTERE, LA CHRONIQUE DU DESIGN, GUIDE PANORAMA DESIGN FRANCE, COMMERCE MAGAZINE, COSMÉTIQUE NEWS, L'ENTREPRENEUR, COURRIER CADRES, POINTS DE VENTE, CITIZEN'K, MARKETING BOOK (SECODIP), L’USINE NOUVELLE, COSMÉTIQUE MAGAZINE, COSMÉTIQUE HEBDO, PHARMACIEN MANAGER, KAZACHOK, LE JOURNAL DU TEXTILE, 60 MILLIONS DE CONSOMMATEURS 1991-1993 CHEF DE RUBRIQUE EMBALLAGE DIGEST (SEPE) Création et gestion de la rubrique "marketing" 1989-1991 JOURNALISTE INDÉPENDANTE MARKETING MIX, CREATION, FRANCE GRAPHIQUE, CARACTERE, BAT, LA FAB, EMBALLAGE DIGEST, LE PAPETIER + LIBRAIRE, INTERFACE (AGFA), FNAC INFOS, LES NOUVELLES GMF 1986-1989 REDACTRICE FRANCE GRAPHIQUE (EDIPRESSE) MEDIA COMMERCES LIBRAIRES DE FRANCE L’EVENEMENT DU JEUDI FORMATION Master coaching, Paris Assas EFAP, option journalisme Maîtrise de Philosophie Prépa Ecole Normale Supérieure Classique (options latin et grec)', 0, '2010-01-07 17:51:21', null, null, null)
        Technical Details
        You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ENTREPRENEUR, COURRIER CADRES, POINTS DE VENTE, CITIZEN'K, MARKETING BOOK (SECOD' at line 1  MySQL Error # :1064
        System Environment
        •   OrangeHRM :
        •   PHP : 5.2.9
        •   MySQL Client : 5.0.77
        •   Memory limit : 64M
        •   Maximum session lifetime : 1440
        Please note
        The error was logged in the OrangeHRM log located in /var/www/html/hrms/lib/controllers/../..//lib/logs/logDB.txt

  • Mafaz Mazeen

    Mafaz Mazeen - 2010-01-15

    Hi All,

    There is bug with mails that are automatically sent to job applicants using the jobs.php application feature.

    Mail content can NOT allow accented letters which is a pitty especially with french that contains many accented letters. For example, "Mélanie" gives "Mélanie" which is not very serious for recrutement !

    Any ideas how to correct this issue is very welcomed.

    Many thanks,



  • Mafaz Mazeen

    Mafaz Mazeen - 2010-01-25


    I have the same problem with the leaves module. We cannot use accented letters Into the field "comment" … I tried to change browser and database encoding but nothing is working.

    Thks to help us!


  • Mafaz Mazeen

    Mafaz Mazeen - 2010-01-25

    Same think for me with version

    We cannot use accented letters Into the field "comment"

  • Arnold De Souza

    Arnold De Souza - 2010-09-27

    it is working and we are able to general the employee attendance report but FAILED TO GENERATE TIME SHEET.while trying to generate the same we are getting a blank format without any data!

  • Arnold De Souza

    Arnold De Souza - 2010-10-18

        it is working and we are able to general the employee attendance report but FAILED TO GENERATE TIME SHEET.while trying to generate the same we are getting a blank format without any data!
        Hotels Kuala Lumpur
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    in 2.5 the attendance report and sheet are two different things - you can generate attendance report with pucnh in and punch out timings- but timesheet each employee supposed to fill manually according to her/his time usage for different projects/ department and to submit it for approval

    pls feel to mail me if u need more support


  • Arnold De Souza

    Arnold De Souza - 2010-12-21

    Our OrangeHRM install recently reverted all Cancelled vacation requests to Taken. Has this bug been reported before and if so, is there a way to change this back?

  • Arnold De Souza

    Arnold De Souza - 2010-12-21

        Our OrangeHRM install recently reverted all Cancelled vacation requests to Taken. Has this bug been reported before and if so, is there a way to change this back?

    could you make it more clear?

  • Arnold De Souza

    Arnold De Souza - 2010-12-23

            Our OrangeHRM install recently reverted all Cancelled vacation requests to Taken. Has this bug been reported before and if so, is there a way to change this back?

        could you make it more clear?

    We have been using this OrangeHRM system for the 2010 calendar year and have not had an incident. Upon review of an employees vacation usage, we noticed they had suddenly exceeded their annual amount by over 10 business days. Upon further inspection, we identified that ALL previously cancelled vacation requests in the system were now being reflected as Taken.

    This OrangeHRM install is on a linux machine running OpenSuse 11. The machine had not been rebooted in over 100 days and was operating without incident. Is there a log running in this program that might help to identify when exactly this occurred? We have not been able to locate one.

  • Arnold De Souza

    Arnold De Souza - 2010-12-23

    sorry , i couldn`t help you on this.

  • Arnold De Souza

    Arnold De Souza - 2010-12-23

    It is no longer saving our changes overnight. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to correct this?

  • Irshad Ahamed

    Irshad Ahamed - 2011-03-23

    There could have been some change before cancel leave became taken leave. Did you upgrade the php version, or upgrade orangehrm or change the system date time…etc. What was the version you were using? There must have something happened. This would help us to reproduce the issue and try identifying a solution.