
Optimal BPM / News: Recent posts

Easy installation! Optimal BPM tools has a .deb-repository!

A PPA was recently created to drastically simplify installation on Ubuntu platform.

From PPA in Ubuntu:

Execute the following commands:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:nicklasb/optimalbpm
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install optimalbpm-tools

From PPA in Debian(Jessie and onward):
....................................................... read more

Posted by Zig 2014-12-07 Labels: optimal bpm

Optimal BPM Tools 0.9.0! (Or perhaps mostly Optimal Sync)

After a period of proofs of concept and prototypes the development of Optimal BPM is now picking up the pace significantly, hopefully the world will see something really interesting happen this spring.

Put in that context, a release of Optimal BPM Tools and QAL is kind of inevitable.
There is a whole bunch of features being added around the system and Optimal Sync is a really convenient way of testing them.... read more

Posted by Zig 2014-11-03 Labels: optimal bpm qal bpm

Optimalbpm-tools 0.8.4 !

The 0.8.4 version is now out and has some quite important fixes.
It is recommended to uninstall and then run the new windows installation.


optimalbpm-tools 0.8.4

  • Column names now updates when changing tables

qal 0.3.5

  • Fix connectivity to MS SQL server from Linux
  • Makes helpful import errors follow python version properly (and tests)
  • Add columns to select-all-skeleton to resolve field list bug(be nice to Optimal Sync)
  • Can now insert/delete key-field only datasets,
  • Add error on trying to update with only key
  • Add python3-postgresql 1.1.0 dependency (fixed 1.1.0 available in trusty, earlier version is broken)
  • Implicitly require Ubuntu Trusty or Debian Jessie ... read more
Posted by Zig 2014-06-06 Labels: optimalbpm

QAL API documentation

The QAL API documentation is now online for your browsing pleasure!

Python3-Sphinx was used, a small article on that subject may develop over time as well.

Posted by Zig 2014-05-31

Windows installer at last!

After somewhat more work than expected, a windows installer bundle has seen the light.
It is available for download at the files section.

I talk about light quite literally as the WiX installer tools used are called candle, light and paraffin. I did not use heat for a number of reasons.

One thing that resulted from this was a guide on how to use WiX. Or more a primer before reading the official tutorial at

Posted by Zig 2014-05-29

QAL 0.3.4, Optimal Sync 0.8.3

Optimal Sync 0.8.3:
* Fix GUI resizing
* Fix successive errors on reload(as in stop flogging a non-existing server)

QAL 0.3.4:
* Fix handling of relative paths
* Fix everything Windows, like paths, line-terminators and some other things
* Fix helpful error when modules are missing

Posted by Zig 2014-04-26 Labels: Optimal BPM

QAL 0.3.3 and Optimal Sync 0.8.2

QAL 0.3.3
* Fix bad relative path handling for spreadsheets

Optimal Sync 0.8.2
* Fix annoying error message from non-working MySQL database selector (TODO: Fix that thing)

More examples!

Posted by Zig 2014-04-21

QAL 0.3.2, fixes key ordering bug

Keys could become unordered in earlier versions, 0.3.2 remaps keys properly.
Please use QAL 0.3.2 instead of 0.3.1.

Posted by Zig 2014-04-20

QAL 0.3.1 and Optimal Sync 0.8.1

Important QAL-fixes:

Fix handling with empty destination
Fix bug: Offset should include header
Fix bug: Explicitly convert offsets to int from resource
Fix helpful module import error

Important Optimal Sync-fixes:

Fix so that direct call to merge succeeds

Posted by Zig 2014-04-20 Labels: Optimal Sync

First release of the Optimal Sync application/script - 0.8!

What? Sales department saving their contacts in an excel sheet? You want their edits maintained in the CRM database? Do you regularly want to download a data set from a table in a web page? And transform the data a little before you insert it?

Optimal Sync is a small and simple multi-platform(well soon) BPM utility that is able to move and affect data between different many sources and destinations. ... read more

Posted by Zig 2014-04-17 Labels: Optimal Sync Optimal BPM xls XML XPATH SQL DB2 Oracle Postgres MySQL csv

A wiki and the Optimal Sync application!

This project will within a few weeks release its first actual tool, the Optimal Sync - application.

It is a very versatile, scriptable and simple-to-use tool that can transfer and transform data between PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server, IBM DB2, Oracle, Flat file, XML, HTML and Spreadsheets.

To make things easier, it has a graphical interface that can simulate the diff and merging process.

And it really is easier. Tools like these are usually highly complex, this is not, while still being able to be very useful.... read more

Posted by Zig 2014-03-16 Labels: #wiki #replication rdbms xml html flatfile oracle db2 sql server postgres mysql