
#123 Bug in groovyBC in parallel computation


I found a bug which seems to be connected with groovyBC. If in groovyBC expressions the "max" and "min" statements are used, the parallel run of simpleFoam and pisoFoam fails.

This bug is specific for OF-1.6-ext. I tried the same case in OF-2.1.0 (with some changes specific for 2.1.0 version) and anything worked OK.

The swak4foam was downloaded by:
svn checkout

The OF-1.6-ext was downloaded by:
git clone git://

There were neither swak4foam nor groovyBC in downloaded OF-1.6-ext

I attach an example case. As a prototype for this case the "pitzDaily" tutorial for simpleFoam was used. I changed the inlet BC from fiexdValue to Poiselle's profile (implemented via groovyBC). This case runs simpleFoam OK on a single core but fails in parallel simpleFoam run.


  • Aleksey Rukhlenko

  • Bernhard Gschaider

    Looking at the output posted on the message-board I think it might be something else.

    This will take a little while as I currently have no Debug-version of 1.6-ext

  • Bernhard Gschaider

    (this is more a note to myself than a progress report)

    It seems to be a different Problem from the one I mentioned above: the maximum/minimum-calculation works for the evaluations before the equations are solved (see the output below where I instrumented the code with Pout/Info). After the equation-solution the reduce-operation for the minimum fails.

    Getting the suspicion that this is not so much a problem with swak but with something that 1.6-erxt does on the MPI-level (during equation solving)

    The relevant output:

    Time = 1

    [1] max -1e+40
    [0] max 0.0254
    max 0.0254
    [0] min 0
    [1] min 1e+40
    min 0
    [0] max 0.0254
    [1] max -1e+40
    max 0.0254
    [0] min 0
    [1] min 1e+40
    min 0
    DILUPBiCG:ΠSolving for Ux, Initial residual = 1, Final residual = 0.0505907, No Iterations 1
    DILUPBiCG:ΠSolving for Uy, Initial residual = 0, Final residual = 0, No Iterations 0
    DICPCG:ΠSolving for p, Initial residual = 1, Final residual = 0.00991172, No Iterations 173
    time step continuity errors : sum local = 0.231488, global = -0.00142618, cumulative = -0.00142618
    [0] max 0.0254
    [1] max -1e+40
    [bgs-Greybook.local:77069] *** An error occurred in MPI_Recv
    [bgs-Greybook.local:77069] *** on communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD
    [bgs-Greybook.local:77069] *** MPI_ERR_TRUNCATE: message truncated
    [bgs-Greybook.local:77069] *** MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL (goodbye)

  • Bernhard Gschaider

    OK. Wrote my comment to the thread before I saw your addition to the ticket. Anyway can you confirm whether the pressure solver is an AMG-type or a CG-type and whether that makes a difference?

  • Dominik Christ

    Dominik Christ - 2013-09-25

    I can produce the same error without any (intentional) calls to gMin or gMax.

    This expression fails:
    valueExpression "vector(Ux,0,0)";
    variables "Ux=1";

    This expression works:
    valueExpression "vector(1,0,0)";
    variables "";

    Thanks in advance for having a look. Error still occurs when I use preservePatches to keep the patch with groovyBC on one processor. Please tell me if I can provide additional info.

  • Bernhard Gschaider

    That is a strange one.

    What does it say exactly? Which OF-version? Which swak-version?

    Am a bit surprised that the variable assignment works by itself. In the good old days one had to write
    variables "Ux=1;";
    (semicolon inside the string) but maybe I relaxed that requirement some time ago

  • Bernhard Gschaider

    OK. I was informed that groovyBC does things in evaluate that it's not supposed to do.

    Anyway: the problem is *not* specific to 1.6-ext/foam-extend-3.0, it is specific to the commsType which is the default for those versions: have a look at etc/controlDict in your Distro. In the section OptimizationSwitches you'll find an entry

    commsTypeŒŒŒŒŒŒ blocking;

    Change that to

    commsTypeŒŒŒŒŒŒ nonBlocking;

    and groovyBC should work (don't know about the performance implications of this change). The only differernce to OF-2.3 and similar is that these are delivered with nonBlocking as the default (if you change to blocking it will fail too).

    I'll have look on how to make it work for blocking


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