
#751 Clarification of the Options > Spell Checking... dialog


in view of recurring problems with installing and activating the spellcheckers (see\) one should consider
o improving the documentation (I'll see what could be done without changing the status
o change the wording: maybe "fetch" or "add" instead of "install" would do the trick, Or maybe some hovering tooltip(s)?
o restructure: currently "install", next to the (empty of filled out) list box, is misleading
o add a help button, opening the specific page in the documentation
o search on the customers system for dics and affs - this goes probably too far, but otoh if the users already have LibreOffice for instance, why force them to go back to this source

This is just my knee-jerk reaction, comments invited. I can just say, I have gone through exactly the same problems, when doing it the first time.




  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2012-01-14

    o add a help button, opening the specific page in the documentation

    This will not be done in isolation, specifically for that dialog.

    o search on the customers system for dics and affs - this goes probably too far, but otoh if the users already have LibreOffice for instance, why force them to go back to this source

    It's a lot of work for few added value. Once we have access to a decent remote location, searching megabytes of local data is not very useful.


  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2012-03-09

    Some of these points were addressed in SVN (/trunk).

    "Available languages" has been renamed to "Dictionaries already installed".
    The "Uninstall..." button has been renamed to "Remove" (without ellipsis, there shouldn't have bee one in the first place).
    The "Install..." button has be moved at the bottom of the dialog, and renamed "Install new dictionary...".
    The "Remove" button is only enabled when at least one dictionary is selected in the "Dictionaries already available" list, thus showing the relationship between the two interface elements.

    For the other points of this RFE, they were too diverse to be addressed in a single RFE. Some of them were also duplicates of existing RFEs.

    So, if some of them are still considered important, I recommend creating other, more focused requests.


  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2012-03-09
    • labels: --> OmegaT Application
    • milestone: --> 2.5
    • assigned_to: nobody --> didierbr
    • summary: improve the spellchecker handling --> Clarification of the Options > Spell Checking... dialog
    • status: open --> open-fixed
  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2012-03-30

    This feature was implemented in the released version 2.5.2 of OmegaT.

  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2012-03-30
    • status: open-fixed --> closed-fixed

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