
CCompletion 1.09

  • CCompletion

    CCompletion - 2008-09-10

    CCompletion 1.09 for Notepad++ v5.0.3

    CCompletion is a free plugin with these functions:
    - code completion (complete the partially-typed-in identifier, case insensitive)
    - identifier lookup (you can quickly search for an identifier using simple regular expressions, without having to type anything in the Notepad++ editor)
    - go to identifier in the view of your choice (either by using a direct shortcut from an identifier currently under keyboard caret, or by opening the CCompletion dialog and using regular expression to choose the identifier)
    - separate history function for both views (move forward and backward, can manually insert or delete individual entries)
    - comes with help that describes all the functions in even more detail ;)
    - as a bonus, a hardcoded snippet system (designed only for C programming language, though)

    Install the plugin by copying its .DLL file to Notepad++ \plugins\ directory. You will also need to add in this directory the ctags.exe file, which you can get here:

    Due to Exuberant Ctags power, CCompletion works with many programming languages, but is designed and tested mainly for C programming language. You can still give it a try, though.

    Changes in 1.09:
    - fixed some bugs
    - redesigned and fixed history
    - some snippet improvements

    CCompletion download link:


    • Greg Williams

      Greg Williams - 2009-04-24


      Would still REALLY like the source code for this plugin...



    • Rick99

      Rick99 - 2009-04-24

      And I would love a unicode version. Have just switched from notepad++ ANSI version and now I am missing one of my favorite plugins...

      best regards

    • CCompletion

      CCompletion - 2009-04-25

      Greg & Rick,

      don't worry, I just started to work on it today. Things have been really busy since new years and I finally got some time off.

      I also found out that my email provider had trouble for a while now and incoming mail probably did not work for a long time already. I can't even login at the moment. So if anyone sent me a mail - I didn't receive it. I have changed the address in sourceforge system. The new address is the same, only at

      The next version is planned to be unicode N++ compatible and some new features added.

      I'm considering releasing the code either under some opensource licence or even public domain. But I need to at least complete this upcoming version and check whether there are still issues with MinGW runtime > 3.12. I'm keeping an old version just for this purpose, so this'll need to be resolved. I'll also need to make the code a bit less messy ;)

      In the meanwhile, I would be happy to hear some suggestions about releasing the code. Are most N++ plugins released as sourceforge projects?

      Regards, Bostjan

    • aaaa

      aaaa - 2008-09-12

      source code would be nice ;D

    • Mishail

      Mishail - 2008-09-15

      Thnxalot. Looking forward for improvements of memory consumption (

      • CCompletion

        CCompletion - 2008-09-16

        Hmm, that completely slipped my mind. Will write myself a note for the next version.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-02-15

    It seems CComplition doesn't understand paths with spaces like C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs

  • Thanasis Katsios

    it doesnt seem to work for me...
    ctags.cmp has found my identifiers correcly but they dont appear in code completion