
New release 6.1.4

Don HO
  • Don HO

    Don HO - 2012-06-24

    Please check the following link for the newest release:

    Thanks to the investigation regarding NppShell.dll brought from Loreia and Harry!


  • Joe Morlan

    Joe Morlan - 2012-06-25

    Did you mean "Walk around….?"

  • Loreia2

    Loreia2 - 2012-06-25

    Indeed, it is a small typo, it should be "Work around".


  • Don HO

    Don HO - 2012-06-25

    Corrected. Thank you.


  • MrBig Ouzo

    MrBig Ouzo - 2012-06-25

    Hello don,
    something was going wrong….
    if you use rightButtonmenu and select 'read-only'  i cant see that the file is set to read only, sometime i see it.
    Please spend an item at the session.xml <File  read-only="0" or  "1" />
    save the actually width of the IDC_LIST_FILESWITCHER
    VerticalFileSwitcher.cpp you set this to

            case WM_INITDIALOG :
                _fileListView.init(_hInst, _hSelf, _hImaLst);
                _fileListView.insertColumn(TEXT("Name"), 150, 0);
                _fileListView.insertColumn(TEXT("Ext."), 50, 1);
                return TRUE;


  • MrBig Ouzo

    MrBig Ouzo - 2012-06-25

    Hello Don,
    the problem with the read-only exists between english and german translation. English ok, german not ok

  • MrBig Ouzo

    MrBig Ouzo - 2012-06-25

    In german translation, in messageboxes, the "\r" dont make a linefeed it shows as text

  • ahgan

    ahgan - 2012-06-26

    when drag with splitter at sidebar, it shows SetWindowsHookEx failed in Windows 8 RP.

  • ahgan

    ahgan - 2012-06-26

    the getlasterror function returns 1428.
    "Cannot set nonlocal hook without a module handle. "

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-06-27

    There is an error in v.6.1.3 and v.6.1.4 on entering an unknown tag, which I need for my CMS layout development: <container id="21" types="Content" mode="fixed" name="Slideshow" default="Slideshow">Slideshow</container>
    Whenever I click inside or use the cursor keys to enter a tag like this, N++ hangs while stil using processor time.
    System: AMD Phenom 9950 X4, 4GB RAM, WinXP SP2.
    I now downgraded to N++ v.6.1.2 and it works again, so it's definitely only the newer versions.

  • Don HO

    Don HO - 2012-06-27

    @Spider IT Deutschland

    Could you provide the complete procedure (and file) to reproduce the crash?


  • MMTsuchi

    MMTsuchi - 2012-06-27

    Hi Don, I found a regression In right click menu, "clone to other view" doesn't work (windows XP SP2 32bits)
    And separators has disappeared.
    Thanks for reading

  • Aren Cambre

    Aren Cambre - 2012-06-27

    Notepad++ is still asking for admin permissions when I do ? > Update Notepad++.

    This is not a good security practice: it is not necessary to have administrator permissions only to check for an update. Administrator permissions are only needed when installing updates.

  • xehpuk

    xehpuk - 2012-06-28


    I may have found a bug in drag and drop. Problem: character encoding.
    Create two new documents and move one to the other view. Let the first have ANSI and the second have UTF-8 encoding.
    Type non-ASCII characters in the first document, select them and drag and drop them into the second document. Now, they are "broken".
    This also happens when you drag them outside and drop them into another text editor, e.g. eclipse.
    Seems to work from UTF-8 to ANSI, though.

    There's another bug I detected recently. Open a file named "&". The document tab will be empty instead of showing the ampersand. Now open a file named "&Test". Interestingly, the tab will show "_T_est", so without the ampersand and with an underlined "T".

    I hope this helps in improving Notepad++.

  • cheesypoof

    cheesypoof - 2012-06-29

    I am also experiencing the application freeze mentioned by 'Spider IT Deutschland'. Go to:, download the zip attachment, open gallery.php, click on line 11 within the 'cms:pages' tag.

  • Don HO

    Don HO - 2012-07-01

    @mmtsuchi @mrouzo
    The bug is due to new added command "Reload" in tab context menu.
    It'll be fixed in v6.1.5


  • Don HO

    Don HO - 2012-07-01

    @ ahgan :
    sidebar splitter failed in Windows 8 issue will be fixed in the next release.


  • Don HO

    Don HO - 2012-07-01

    @cheesypoof :
    The url you provided does not answer.
    Could you send the file in question to don_DOT_h_AT_free_DOT_fr ?


  • palladium

    palladium - 2012-07-07

    Reading the changes to "trunk/PowerEditor/src/ScitillaComponent/xmlMatchedTagsHighlighter.cpp" I noticed that the expression


    at lines 147 and 159 doesn't make sense and should probably be


    or something like that.

  • Ilya

    Ilya - 2012-07-08

    In the Notepad++ 6.1.4 incorrect display of Russian characters.
    When I paste russian text into the Notepad++ is all right, but when I write it I get something like this:

    Change of encoding is not helped.
    I'm use the Windows 8 operating system, but when I'm used Windows 7 that bug was not.