
Migrate to new PC

  • Rick Greene

    Rick Greene - 2014-04-11

    I just purchased a new laptop, and want to move all my MagicAssistant data over.

    I've got a lot of collections and decks, and using import/export will be a very onerous task.

    I tried copying the "Collections" and "Decks" folders from c:\windows\documents and settings\User\MagicAssistantWorkspace from the old laptop to the matching location on the new, but when I open MA on the new laptop it doesn't recognize anything from the Decks folder and only one collection from the Collections folder.

    What did I miss?

    Thanks in advance for help with this great inventory tool,

  • Alena Laskavaia

    Alena Laskavaia - 2014-04-11

    They both running windows? it should have just read all the files. is workspase location the same?

  • Rick Greene

    Rick Greene - 2014-04-11

    Yes, both Windows...old is Windows XP, new is Windows 8.1. Same workspace location.

    I didn't copy the entire "MagicAssistantWorkspace" folder, is that my problem?

  • Rick Greene

    Rick Greene - 2014-04-12

    Resolved it...I decided to experiment since the old laptop still works and the new one wasn't working yet.

    I deleted the "MagicAssistantWorkspace" folder that was created on the new laptop when I first ran the app, and copied over the entire "MagicAssistantWorkspace" folder from the old laptop, and then ran MagicAssistant on the new laptop.

    I could see all my collections and decks!



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