
#479 Using alternative artwork


Not sure if I should post this here, but because that I'll post it as a feature request :)

I have some cards with alternate artwork. Example are the holiday giftboxes, but I also have an alternative artwork for Boltwing Marauder (DTK). For now I seem to lack the option to add this alternative artwork to my cards. I can add the cards to my collection by using the "special" column and add "promo" and "alternative artwork" or something like that, but I don't seem to have the option to change the cardimage for this particular card without overwriting the original (replacing also the non-promo version).
Is there an alternative way without creating a new promo-release? And if there isn't, could you introduce an option to select alternative artwork for cards that have a marking in the special column?
Thanks :)


  • Alena Laskavaia

    Alena Laskavaia - 2015-06-14

    Yes you can do it, but not very straight forward.
    How is you XML editing skills? Backup before you begin. And exit Magic Assistant.
    Basically, you want actually to
    have two cards in the same set with different art. You need to go to XML file where set cards are stored
    which will be magiccards/MagicDb/your_set.xml
    Open with editor. Find the record associated with your card, which
    will start with <mc> tag, i.e.
    Now copy the whole record.
    For the copied one you need to replace <id> to negative of what original card is, i.e. just put minus in front
    That will disassociate this card with gatherer database (id starting with -
    don't have links back to online database).
    Now you can start Magic Assistant. The card without id will have no image,
    now you click on edit button to change image.

  • Harm

    Harm - 2015-06-14

    And yes I am familiar with editing XML files. I was a Software Designer for some years, now I am a Test Manager at a software company, so I've done my share of editing and reading XML-files ;)
    Basically you've described the same what I've doing for adding foreign cards and promo cards to my sets that are not available in gatherer, except for the "-" in the id-tag. That was good to know. So I might consider adding the "-" also to my manually added cards.

  • Alena Laskavaia

    Alena Laskavaia - 2015-06-18

    I added ability to duplicate a card in UI, it will be available in 1.4.3.x version

  • Harm

    Harm - 2015-06-19

    Nice! That should make it easier for most of us :)
    Is there also a feature planned to add cards or releases in the UI in a future release?

  • Alena Laskavaia

    Alena Laskavaia - 2015-06-19

    What do you mean? you can import new card sets using import wizard now (extend database). There are docs about it in the help too

  • Harm

    Harm - 2015-06-19

    That's true. I just thought that adding a set in the UI could be an option (add new set) that might make it easier for some. I already add the sets using xml or import, so it's not a must, just a nice to have :)

  • Alena Laskavaia

    Alena Laskavaia - 2015-06-19

    I can add this to UI but "easier" is not the word for it, it will be actually
    very tedious (at least what I can think of now)
    If you can think on some nice UI that does not involve thousands mouse click let me know

  • Harm

    Harm - 2015-06-19

    I will see if I can come up with something. I will get back to you about this.



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