
#252 Ignore language in Collector's View


It would be interesting if there would be an option in collector's view to ignore card's language.
It is interesting in collectors that are looking for the completion of a set despite the language of the cards.
Now, you can sort by Set, but it multiplies the set by as many card's languages as you have in that set getting difficult to know the absolute percentage of completion of that set.


  • Alena Laskavaia

    Alena Laskavaia - 2013-03-30

    Ok. It should not be difficult to add I think...

  • morlunnis

    morlunnis - 2013-08-24

    This is not a bug nor a feature, so I didn't want to create a new topic for it.

    How do I purge other languages from my database?

    I downloaded a couple of cards in Spanish and a few sets in Portuguese, before realizing I'd rather know and type a single name (in English) for each card.

    I don't have any non-English cards in my collections, and now I'd just like to make them disappear from the general DB.

    I noticed the XML files in MagicAssistantWorkspace\magiccards\MagicDB, but (after backing up the files) removing entries for the non-English cards doesn't do anything.


  • SinXroid

    SinXroid - 2013-11-04

    Completely agree!
    Also think it should be a possibility to check the completeness of the set despite the language.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-12-20

    This makes perfect sense. I have cards in multiple languages and to not have problem I just ignore they language and input every card in English on MA.

  • Alena Laskavaia

    Alena Laskavaia - 2014-12-22

    I should look in implementing the original request... Other people who commented on it, it would be easier if you posted your question/comment
    on forum, since bug on comment is easy to miss...



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