Upi Bhalla - 2014-05-01

Dear Dilawar,
There is a difference in the path method for Ids and for ObjIds.
Ids strip off the [], ObjIds do not. This is useful when building up
paths step by step. Also logically, an Id does not have any indices.

-- Upi

On Thursday 01 May 2014 08:32 PM, dilawars wrote:

[bugs:#134] http://sourceforge.net/p/moose/bugs/134/ method path()
removes ending [] if any, joining path operation becomes invalid

Status: open
Group: async13
Labels: paths
Created: Thu May 01, 2014 03:02 PM UTC by dilawars
Last Updated: Thu May 01, 2014 03:02 PM UTC
Owner: dilawars

We have the following formats for moose path


But path() methods in many classes, strip off the ending
"[n]".Therefore if one wants to join two paths, the resulting path
format becomes invalid.

For example, joining path1 = /a[1]/b[0] and path2 = /c[1]/d[0] should
produce |/a[1]/b[0]/c[1]/d[0]| but since path() returns |/a[1]/b| and
|/c[1]/d| and
joing them results in an invalid path |/a[1]/b/c[1]/d|.

To overcome this a function |fixPath()| is implemented in |global.cpp|
Ideally the path functions should return a well-defined path. Till this is
fixed, we call this function with an appropriate warning message
printed on the

The problem seems to be the while loop in path() function which
removes the ending |[]| from path.

// Function to convert it into its fully separated path.
string Id::path( const string& separator) const
string ret = Neutral::path( eref() );
// Trim off trailing []
assert( ret.length() > 0 );
// the 'back' operation is not supported by pre 2011 compilers

 while  (  ret[  ret.length()  -  1  ]  ==  ']'  )  {
     size_t  pos  =  ret.find_last_of(  '['  );
     if  (  pos  !=  string::npos  &&  pos  >  0  )  {
         ret  =  ret.substr(  0,  pos  );

 return  ret;


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Bugs: #134