
Excluded sub-directories

  • Derek Gordon

    Derek Gordon - 2012-12-13

    Is there a way to exclude specific sub-directories from MiniDLNA's background scanning process?  I'm running Ubuntu and have experienced great latency on the server with MiniDLNA.  It seems that it goes crazy and constantly hammers the system while Handbrake processes videos in a sub-directory that it watches for new content to automatically process.

    The resultant lag means that a 2 hour conversion takes 3 days.  If I disable MiniDLNA, life is good.

    I would assume that MiniDLNA sees the sector by sector continual change in the converting file and keeps on refreshing its database against those changes.  Very problematic indeed….

    Help is appreciated.

  • Derek Gordon

    Derek Gordon - 2012-12-13

    One thing to mention, I can drop inotify being used.  But, this means I have to crontab a job to run the force rebuild.  This isn't ideal, but I'll give it a go for now.

    It'd be nice just to add exclusions within the configuration file…

  • Craig Chambers

    Craig Chambers - 2012-12-18

    I don't know how you are starting Handbrake (manually, scripted?), but you could move the videos to an unwatched folder before Handbrake processes them, then move the output back?  If it's on the same partition it's practically instantaneous to move.



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