
ID3 Tags encoding problem in music files

sam bul
  • sam bul

    sam bul - 2012-08-18

    It seems like minidlna assumes that ID3 tags are encoded in compliance with ID3 tag version 2.4.0 informal standard, i.e. either in  ISO-8859-1, or UTF-8 or 16. In reality many music collections were encoded using previous standard versions, and with deviation from it since its informal. In particular, ID3 tags often encoded in local codepages, and in that case minidlna shows garbled music file info, making it also impossible to identify and find a certain music file in a folder shown on TV screen.

    Is it possible to add ID3 CODEPAGE parameter in minidlna config file, so that user can enter the correct encoding in it? If such codepage is available in the system, minidlna will then use it to ID3 tags on screen in correct language directly or properly convert to UTF-16. Possible?

  • sam bul

    sam bul - 2012-08-18

    This problem is especially painful, when music files don't have embedded album art, or all have the same embedded album art that matches CD Cover art. No way ti select a proper music file from collection, as all text on screen extracted from ID3 tags is garbled.


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