
Samsung F series TV media refresh

  • HPP8140

    HPP8140 - 2014-03-13


    I have a Samsung C series TV that was able to automatically refresh changes
    made in the minidlna server (media additions, deletions, etc). I appears
    that whenever a media directory is accessed on the TV, it reads the
    minidlna database; therefore it is always displaying updates.

    The problem is that my new Samsung F TV seems to cache. It does not
    automatically pick up changes in minidlna. Haven't figured out how to make
    the TV refresh so I can see updates. I have to restart the server, the tv,
    or wait half hour or so.

    Samsung's Link (dlna software) has a refresh button that triggers the
    refresh. It looks like it just re-sends SSDP requests.

    Is there any way to solve this on the minidlna server side? No caching by
    the client? If so, where can I find this in the code to customize.


  • Justin Maggard

    Justin Maggard - 2014-03-13

    So it doesn't issue Browse or Search requests if you've already browsed a folder?

    The way it's supposed to work is, the client may subscribe to SystemUpdateID events, and when content changes we notify the client. Alternatively, they can issue a GetSystemUpdateID request or re-issue Search or Browse requests and check the UpdateID to see if it has changed. If it has, then they are supposed to use the new results.

  • HPP8140

    HPP8140 - 2014-03-13

    No, looks like the tv doesn't issue browse or search requests if you've already browsed the folder. It reads from a cache afterward. Samsung is annoying and proprietary.

    I've put in a request with Samsung to provide a refresh button on the TV, but I'm not holding my breadth.

    Thanks for the clarification.


    Last edit: HPP8140 2014-03-13
  • Justin Maggard

    Justin Maggard - 2014-03-14

    What kind of SSDP packets get sent by Samsung's software to trigger a refresh, anyway?

  • HPP8140

    HPP8140 - 2014-03-14

    Attached network monitor of SSDP and http when I push the refresh button on the Samsung Link dlna software.


    1. When I push refresh button, the TV momentarily displays 'device disconnected' message if I am inside a shared minidlna folder. Then I can see the updates.

    2. If I delete a file on minidlna, it is interesting that the file remains on the tv, but the thumbnail is removed. Looks like the artwork is not cached.


    Last edit: HPP8140 2014-03-14
  • Justin Maggard

    Justin Maggard - 2014-03-15

    I thought that might be the case. They're effectively just doing a full restart. It's too bad they don't like following the standard.

  • HPP8140

    HPP8140 - 2014-03-17

    Well...I finally found a repeatable solution to this annoying 1st-world problem that might help anyone with a new Samsung Tv that makes frequent media updates to Minidlna.

    The TV also supports streaming from cloud drives such as skydrive and dropbox. I was thinking about using skydrive as my "New Media" folder that gets frequent updates, as a workaround.

    This led to a discovery.
    1. Browse skydrive on the TV
    2. Start and stop playing file
    3. Go back to minidlna server on TV
    4. TV refreshes media from Minidlna

  • HPP8140

    HPP8140 - 2014-07-30

    Now using Raspi SSH Android app to send minidlna restart command

  • Shrimpkin

    Shrimpkin - 2015-11-04

    Does sending SIGHUP to minidlna cause the tv's client to refresh? There's another signal available which clears the client cache (SIGUSR1). I don't have a Samsung TV to test. 'man kill' for more info.

    kill -s SIGHUP $(cat /var/run/minidlna/

  • HPP8140

    HPP8140 - 2015-11-10

    No it did not refresh the TV.
    kill -s SIGHUP $(cat /var/run/minidlna/

  • Shrimpkin

    Shrimpkin - 2015-11-13

    If you want to entertain my curiosity, post dumps of minidlna and tv during restart and when using the SIGHUP. Otherwise, thanks for testing.

  • Shrimpkin

    Shrimpkin - 2015-11-18

    I already saw that posted earlier in this thread but thanks.


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