
#134 Samsung TV and minidlna sort order


When I change sort order on Samsung TV отв go to sort menu the debug log shows request with
* Count: -1 and StartingIndex: 0. This makes sql request with "limit 0, -1." This brings UPnPError 701: No such object error
Фаеку I select the sort method in the TV's menu - nothing happens.
After it I select sort menu, default sort method.
"Count: 30 and StartingIndex: 0" in the log. The TV shows the container content.
I'm attaching the part of debug log. I've tried two times to change the sort order and go back to default sort order.

The sort menu on TV shows the correct submenu that depends on video/music/photo container.


  • Zyxmon

    Zyxmon - 2012-04-03

    part of the debug log when I try to change sort order

  • Zyxmon

    Zyxmon - 2012-04-03

    Sorry for misprinting. After the sort menu is selected and I select new sort order (by Title, or by Date) - nothing is displayed in the debug log.
    It may be of coarse a samsung bug. But th sql select with "limit 0, -1." does not look correct also.

  • Zyxmon

    Zyxmon - 2012-04-03

    AFAIU when <RequestedCount>0</RequestedCount> is zero the minidlna should not respond with <errorCode>.
    Il try to patch upnpsoap.c and change -1 --> 1

    if( !RequestedCount )
    RequestedCount = 1;

    may be it'll help with Samsung.

  • Zyxmon

    Zyxmon - 2012-04-04

    The patch did not help. I can attach the full debug log, if it is needed

  • Zyxmon

    Zyxmon - 2012-04-04

    I have found patch for samsungs

    1) If the browse request from Samsung contains ObjectId, "V_T" it should be replaced with VIDEO_DIR_ID
    2) Special handling of the case

    if ( args.client == ESamsungTV && !StartingIndex && RequestedCount == -1)

    must be taken.

    I'll try it.

  • Zyxmon

    Zyxmon - 2012-04-07

    The last proposed patch leads to infinite loop. The Samsung TV issues the same requests and receives the same responses.

    I have made some packet sniffing using Samsung's AllShare upnp server. And investigated sqlite3 database created by AllShare.

    Samsung uses spesial OpjectID's for sorting:
    V_T is Title, V_L is LatestDate......
    These objects have children V_T_0002, V_T_0002_02 ....

    I think it would be best to totally disable sorting in minidlna for Samsungs.


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