
#2141 ISA firewall-proxy with authentication


MSYS was a really a great tool before mingw-get.exe^^

ISA firewall-proxy (with authentication) aren't handled...
i do have the ip of the firewall-proxy set in 'internet options'.
i can use internet explorer on sourceforge (my proxy then prompts for my login/password to access internet resources)
but mingw-get isn't prompting for those credentials:(

As far as i know, for "Basic authentication", such ISA firewall-proxy requires to encode the following string in base64:


and set the property "Proxy-Authorization" in the header of the HTTP request with that ntlm-credential base64-encoded.


  • thefrog

    thefrog - 2013-11-27

    (btw, i did download the mingw-get.exe with iexplorer.exe set as described above)


    Last edit: thefrog 2013-11-27
  • Keith Marshall

    Keith Marshall - 2013-11-27

    I cannot reproduce this, so it will not be fixed unless you can help me to debug it, and develop any necessary patches.

    FTR, I no longer work for any company which requires me to use Windows; when I did, proxy authentication was always handled transparently by the PDC, for any user successfully authenticated to the domain, without any prompting beyond the normal initial domain login process. AIUI, this is normal configuration for proxies associated with Windows domains.

    That said, I understand that some users are faced by more unusual proxy configurations, which do require supplementary authentication; one such user has provided patches, (already applied since mingw-get-0.2-alpha-3), which should cause mingw-get to prompt for credentials, when wininet.dll indicates that such supplementary authentication is required. Does his patch not help in your case? It was developed for CLI mingw-get, and may require some rework for GUI. Is the problem apparent for CLI, or for GUI, or for both?

  • Keith Marshall

    Keith Marshall - 2013-11-27
    • status: unread --> pending
    • Group: MSYS --> INSTALLER
  • thefrog

    thefrog - 2013-11-27
    Post awaiting moderation.
  • thefrog

    thefrog - 2013-11-28

    I think the simplest solution for exotic proxy anyway would be an offline installer aside the mingw-get.exe.