
#235 Compressed Daily Log


I would like to see a bit of a daily log overhaul. Currently, it is very easy to lose track of items when there are lots of artifacts. To combat this, I suggest the following:

Individual elements per type. I.e. one Maintenance Element, one Repair Element, Healing Element, etc.

This way there are only a handful of items in the right hand screen and you then need to click on it to bring up the details. This way repairs, maintenance, costs, healing, etc. don't get mixed into one big mass of a hundred entries per day.


  • Pheonix Rising

    Pheonix Rising - 2014-12-16

    Would probably be easier just to split some items out of the daily log entirely. Maybe split each into a log based on which tab is in use. In the repair tab only show repair and maintenance rolls, personnel would handle prisoner/defector/dependent logs, etc.

    • Deric Page

      Deric Page - 2014-12-17

      I'm not so fond of that as it would require the user to cycle through all the tabs to make sure they didn't miss anything.

      • Alex

        Alex - 2014-12-17

        I feel the same. It also doesn't really fit in with my original suggestion.

        Edit: for clarity, they are both ways to clean up entries but it doesn't make sense as an addendum to the original.


        Last edit: Alex 2014-12-17
  • Dylan Myers

    Dylan Myers - 2014-12-17
    • status: open --> accepted
    • assigned_to: Dylan Myers
  • Dylan Myers

    Dylan Myers - 2014-12-17

    I can actually do both of these ways and have it optionized. Personally I'm happy with the log as it is. That said, I like both of these ideas.


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