
#821 Unjam RAC is *not* a move item.

stable 0.42
Rules (1039)

Units should be able to walk while unjaming a RAC
(BMRr, page 132).

This used to work, but was undone by the MovePath

If at all possible, please make "unjam" be something
that applies to the next turn (like "dump ammo");
perhaps we can insert a new "query for unjam" game
phase (probably after the End Phase) that asks all
players with jammed RACs if they want to unjam next
turn. It would be acceptable to just restore to the
old Compute's behavior, however.


  • Me

    Me - 2004-01-12

    Logged In: YES

    MM lets you walk and unjam in the same turn, provided you
    walk before pressing "unjam."

    As for the new phase idea, perhaps it could also handle
    dumping ammo and turning heatsinks on/off.

  • Steve Hawkins

    Steve Hawkins - 2004-01-15

    Logged In: YES

    As far as I can tell, this has nothing to do with the change in
    Compute, the behavior is determined by MovementDisplay in
    that after Unjam RAC is pressed moveTo is immediately
    called. Is this appropriate?

  • James Damour

    James Damour - 2004-01-17

    Logged In: YES

    OK, then you're off the hook :-)

    No, it is not really appropriate behavior, but I guess
    that it isn't so bad until we can get the End Phase working

    I'm going to lower the priority of this item, as it's a
    "feature" that we want to correct, but it isn't
    imperative that it be done soon. There are far worse bugs
    on this tracker.

  • James Damour

    James Damour - 2005-07-03

    Logged In: YES

    Changing summary.

  • Sebastian Brocks

    Logged In: YES

    this is still current, changing group.

  • Dylan Myers

    Dylan Myers - 2012-03-20

    Unless there is opposition to the idea, this could be fixed simply by adding it to an action stack for Entity. Unloading could be added to this too. I'm willing to write that code if there are no objections.

  • Nicholas Walczak

    • Milestone: stable 0.38 --> post-stable 0.38
  • Nicholas Walczak

    • Milestone: development --> stable 0.40
  • Nicholas Walczak

    • Milestone: exp 0.40 --> stable 0.40
  • Dylan Myers

    Dylan Myers - 2014-12-18
    • assigned_to: Dylan Myers
    • Resolution: --> accepted
    • Milestone: stable 0.40 --> post-stable 0.40
  • Nicholas Walczak

    • Milestone: post-stable 0.40 --> stable 0.40
  • Nicholas Walczak

    • Milestone: stable 0.40 --> stable 0.42
  • Pheonix Rising

    Pheonix Rising - 2016-10-05

    If this has been fixed (I believe it works in MM) this issue can be closed


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