
#4448 Ammo & Equipment Limit option no longer makes sense

stable 0.42

For some reason i am unable to change the basic SRM-6 ammo to any other ammo type even though i have all the ammo related options on. However the 3054 version will allow me to change the ammo type, but MM just wont allow me to do it for the standard SRM carrier for some reason...

This is for 0.41.2.


Bugs: #4636
Bugs: #4638
Bugs: #4670
Feature Requests: #1292
Feature Requests: #1368
MekHQ: Bugs: #963
MekHQ: Bugs: #968


  • Klaus Mittag

    Klaus Mittag - 2015-02-18

    I think this is a bug with the "Ammo & Equipment Limits" option (assuming you had that on). By its explanation text it should limit units to ammo available in the game year, but it still seems to go by the unit's first construction year, which for the standard SRM carrier is 2407...

  • Nicholas Walczak

    Klaus is correct. The "Ammo & Equipment Limits" uses the tech level of the unit. Basically, it compares the units tech level to the tech levle of the ammo.

    To fix this, we really need to add a "Game TechLevel" in addition to "Game Year." We shouldn't infer tech level based on game year, imo.

  • Nicholas Walczak

    • Resolution: none --> accepted
    • Milestone: undetermined --> stable 0.42
  • Nicholas Walczak

    The ultimate issue in this report is that the "Ammo & Equipment Limit" option (which is a default) really doesn't make sense. The tool tip says that it uses the game year, but what it really does is limit ammunitions to an Entity's techlevel. This is really count intuitive, especially when you consider that as the game year progresses, a unit's tech level can go down (like experimental to advanced, or advanced to standard). It makes no sense that a unit that is advanced in 3050 and goes to standard in 3145 can no longer use advanced ammunition.

    Ultimately, I think that what we should do instead is add a "Game Tech Level" option to go along with "Game Year" that allows users to specify what year and tech level they want to play at. This basically invalidates the "Allowed Equipment" options: "Allow Advanced Units" (which really should be "Allow Advanced/Experimental/Unofficial Units" as that is what it does), "Allow Advanced Ammunition", "Allow Experimental/Unofficial Ammunition" and "Ammo & Equipment Limits".

    I plan to move Game Year from "Basic Options" to "Allowed Units and Equipment" as well as remove the aforementioned options and replace it with one "Game Year" option.

  • Nicholas Walczak

    • summary: SRM carrier (Standard) unable to change SRM ammo type --> Ammo & Equipment Limit option no longer makes sense
    • assigned_to: Nicholas Walczak
  • Nicholas Walczak

    • Resolution: accepted --> fixed
  • Dylan Myers

    Dylan Myers - 2015-10-15
    • Status: open --> closed

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