
#4044 Princess and attacks with prone 'mechs 0.37.8-dev

stable 0.40
princess (38)

When Princess is prone and making a weapons attack, the bot will fire the weapons mounted in the arm with which it's propping itself up with. It will try and roll and succeed on an "impossible" result. However, the impossible attack itself doesn't show up in the firing report, but on its attack arrow tooltip.


  • Deric Page

    Deric Page - 2014-02-18

    If it didn't show up in the firing report, then it probably didn't actually fire. Do you have a save game or logs that you can attach to this ticket? That will make it a lot easier to determine what's going on.

  • Nicholas Walczak

    I've seen issues before that I think relate to this. You can send an attack packet to the server that isn't valid, but when processing the attack packet, the server recognizes that it's an illegal attack.

    So, likely what is happening is some logic in Princess is trying to make a weapons attack, so it sends a weapons attack to the server, the client knows about this so you can see the information in the tooltip of the attack arrow in the boardview, but the server knows the attack is illegal so it never resolves the shot and hence it doesn't show up in the firing phase report.

    I would say that the priority on this is low, as it doesn't cause any serious issues (although it could potentially crash the server). There could be a potential speedup for Princess though by removing illegal attacks... I don't really know how the code works there... Maybe this is only effectin specific illegal attacks (like firing weapons in the propping arm while prone).

  • Deric Page

    Deric Page - 2014-02-19

    Well, I'm currently refactoring Princess's fire control logic now (though slowly) so I'll keep an eye out. But if I can get a log or save, I'll be more likely to find the offending code.


    Last edit: Deric Page 2014-02-19
  • Sebastian Brocks

    • Milestone: undetermined --> stable 0.38
  • Nicholas Walczak

    • Milestone: stable 0.38 --> post-stable 0.38
  • Nicholas Walczak

    • Milestone: exp 0.40 --> stable 0.40
  • Dylan Myers

    Dylan Myers - 2014-12-18
    • assigned_to: Deric Page
    • Milestone: stable 0.40 --> post-stable 0.40
  • Deric Page

    Deric Page - 2014-12-18

    Has anyone else ever seen this behavior? I have not, but I was only made aware of it in Feb. I'm marking this as closed and if someone encounters it again, please include a savegame or log file when opening a new ticket.

  • Deric Page

    Deric Page - 2014-12-18
    • labels: --> princess
    • status: open --> closed
    • Resolution: none --> worksforme
  • Nicholas Walczak

    • Milestone: post-stable 0.40 --> stable 0.40

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