
#3 Rubicon X megapatch


From Count Zero/Have Blue/Mark Levin


* Adds external replacement of Image and Sound resources
* Scaling of chapter screens
* Additional interface button that skips the first level for
"tutorial" purposes.
* OpenGL detail textures
* Widescreen interface screen
* Terminal and HUD are displayed at screen size
* All-in-one ability; will use Contents/Resources/Scenario/ as
the game root if found.
* Fake fog work-around since real fog doesn't work

* Last cvs update since now was in September
* Contains a mouse-sensitivity scaler; we already have one
(although it doesn't smooth the mouse)
* Contains widescreen support which we already have
* Scales HUD and Terminal graphics which make them blurry
* Fake fog has problems on Geforce 2 MX and Radeon 9800
* Additional interface button breaks backwards compatibility
* Extensively changes OGL_Copy2D(), which I believe has
had more changes since then.
* Sound replacement uses Quicktime. It would be better to
force it to AIFF and keep all the sound-playing in one area in
case we upgrade to using CoreAudio.
* OpenGL dialog needs to be changed to add checkbox
enabling detail textures.


  • Alexander Strange

    The patch

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Mark here (don't remember my account): Can you at least keep the
    terminal scaling as an option? :) It's really just an aesthetic choice.

  • Alexander Strange

    Logged In: YES

    That's fine, the problem is just that it forces it to scale up.

  • Jeremy Parsons

    Jeremy Parsons - 2003-12-09

    Logged In: YES

    A couple thoughts and suggestions:

    Do you know what date in last september? A CVS Branch could be
    done from back then to work on integrating changes.

    Could this patch be broken up into feature by feature? This really
    would be preferable just for keeping track of headaches cause by
    different features.

  • Alexander Strange

    Logged In: YES

    I've added the tutorial-level support in a new interface-rect index.
    I think we don't really need a setting for detail textures and can rely on
    detecting out-of-VRAM.

  • Tim Vogel

    Tim Vogel - 2004-07-28

    Logged In: YES

    So, Will this 'patch' be in any of the future official Aleph One build then?

  • Alexander Strange

    Logged In: YES

    This patch has not been refused; it is just on my list of things to handle
    when I'm not trying to do three other things at the same time.

  • Alexander Strange

    • priority: 5 --> 6
  • Alexander Strange

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    I'm pretty sure this has no chance of applying anymore :(

  • Alexander Strange

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    And it definitely won't now that Carbon is thankfully gone. Anything useful we're missing besides detail textures and larger terminals?


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