
#83 "NO FILE" Error


Huge fan of Magmi - it's fast, powerful and has been great for our customers.

I'm having a very confusing issue:

When I attempt to run a profile from the UI, I receive "NO FILE"
When I attempt to run a profile from the CLI, I do not receive any errors... or anything at all.

  • Magmi works perfectly with our version (most recent version) of Magento on my local server and the dev server, but not on Production.

  • Multiple times, I've removed the entire Magmi directory, and re-installed (including a few older versions to mix it up)

  • All the folder permissions are checked (it's able to write to the state directory). If I make the state, plugins or conf directories unwritable, it gives me an error

  • It is able to write and remove progress.txt (which is the file it's complaining about). If I add progress.txt in there manually, it looks like it's firing up - but the progress information is blank. If I return to the config page and "idle" it removes the manually inserted progress.txt

  • I've tried multiple profiles (the same profiles which work locally)

  • It's able to update the profile files, the config files, etc. I can view the files and see updates it's made to the variables (which CSV to import, etc)

  • I've updated the config value for the import directory to the full absolute path of the import folder (instead of ../..) and it makes no difference... it doesn't get that far.

  • I've taken git snapshots from the repo and installed those, I've downloaded the zip directly to the server and extracted it from SSH, I've uploaded using SFTP, I've confirmed the entire magmi folder is in tact.

  • I've tried this with NGINX and Apache (magento is using NGINX, but we have apache to do display some other web utilities on the server) - same error on both.

  • I've removed htaccess authentication requirements (temporarily) to test... same error.

  • I've changed the name of the /magmi folder to something else for testing... same error.

I'm pretty familiar with Magmi, and very familiar with Magento - and trying to solve this one is twisting my brain.

I'm not sure what else to check, change or try.... any ideas are greatly appreciated.


Support Requests: #83


  • Sebastien Bracquemont

    Hi Mark,

    Maybe some "PHP Opcode cache" is involved in this problem (APC,XCache or

    you could try removing magmi from the cache enabled directories.


    2014-09-23 1:36 GMT+02:00 Mark Middleton

    Status: open
    Group: v1.0_(example)
    Created: Mon Sep 22, 2014 11:36 PM UTC by Mark Middleton
    Last Updated: Mon Sep 22, 2014 11:36 PM UTC
    Owner: nobody

    Huge fan of Magmi - it's fast, powerful and has been great for our

    I'm having a very confusing issue:

    When I attempt to run a profile from the UI, I receive "NO FILE"
    When I attempt to run a profile from the CLI, I do not receive any
    errors... or anything at all.


    Magmi works perfectly with our version (most recent version) of
    Magento on my local server and the dev server, but not on Production.

    Multiple times, I've removed the entire Magmi directory, and
    re-installed (including a few older versions to mix it up)

    All the folder permissions are checked (it's able to write to the
    state directory). If I make the state, plugins or conf directories
    unwritable, it gives me an error

    It is able to write and remove progress.txt (which is the file it's
    complaining about). If I add progress.txt in there manually, it looks like
    it's firing up - but the progress information is blank. If I return to the
    config page and "idle" it removes the manually inserted progress.txt

    I've tried multiple profiles (the same profiles which work locally)

    It's able to update the profile files, the config files, etc. I can
    view the files and see updates it's made to the variables (which CSV to
    import, etc)

    I've updated the config value for the import directory to the full
    absolute path of the import folder (instead of ../..) and it makes no
    difference... it doesn't get that far.

    I've taken git snapshots from the repo and installed those, I've
    downloaded the zip directly to the server and extracted it from SSH, I've
    uploaded using SFTP, I've confirmed the entire magmi folder is in tact.

    I've tried this with NGINX and Apache (magento is using NGINX, but we
    have apache to do display some other web utilities on the server) - same
    error on both.

    I've removed htaccess authentication requirements (temporarily) to
    test... same error.

    I've changed the name of the /magmi folder to something else for
    testing... same error.

    I'm pretty familiar with Magmi, and very familiar with Magento - and
    trying to solve this one is twisting my brain.

    I'm not sure what else to check, change or try.... any ideas are greatly

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    Support Requests: #83

  • Mark Middleton

    Mark Middleton - 2014-09-23

    Great suggestion. We have Redis and Memached on the server. I've turned both off, flushed both, opened an incognito window in chrome to try from a fresh location.

    I've used a sudomain to access the files ( - same error

    Same error.

    • Sebastien Bracquemont

      another suggestion then.

      some PHP security settings (open_basedir) prevents the file_exist call to
      return anything valid. (maybe your production server is using PHP in safe
      mode which needs some extra settings to allow magmi to work correctly)

      2014-09-23 14:29 GMT+02:00 Mark Middleton

      Great suggestion. We have Redis and Memached on the server. I've turned
      both off, flushed both, opened an incognito window in chrome to try from a
      fresh location.

      I've used a sudomain to access the files (
      - same error

      Same error.

      Status: open
      Group: v1.0_(example)
      Created: Mon Sep 22, 2014 11:36 PM UTC by Mark Middleton
      Last Updated: Mon Sep 22, 2014 11:36 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      Huge fan of Magmi - it's fast, powerful and has been great for our

      I'm having a very confusing issue:

      When I attempt to run a profile from the UI, I receive "NO FILE"
      When I attempt to run a profile from the CLI, I do not receive any
      errors... or anything at all.


      Magmi works perfectly with our version (most recent version) of
      Magento on my local server and the dev server, but not on Production.

      Multiple times, I've removed the entire Magmi directory, and
      re-installed (including a few older versions to mix it up)

      All the folder permissions are checked (it's able to write to the
      state directory). If I make the state, plugins or conf directories
      unwritable, it gives me an error

      It is able to write and remove progress.txt (which is the file it's
      complaining about). If I add progress.txt in there manually, it looks like
      it's firing up - but the progress information is blank. If I return to the
      config page and "idle" it removes the manually inserted progress.txt

      I've tried multiple profiles (the same profiles which work locally)

      It's able to update the profile files, the config files, etc. I can
      view the files and see updates it's made to the variables (which CSV to
      import, etc)

      I've updated the config value for the import directory to the full
      absolute path of the import folder (instead of ../..) and it makes no
      difference... it doesn't get that far.

      I've taken git snapshots from the repo and installed those, I've
      downloaded the zip directly to the server and extracted it from SSH, I've
      uploaded using SFTP, I've confirmed the entire magmi folder is in tact.

      I've tried this with NGINX and Apache (magento is using NGINX, but we
      have apache to do display some other web utilities on the server) - same
      error on both.

      I've removed htaccess authentication requirements (temporarily) to
      test... same error.

      I've changed the name of the /magmi folder to something else for
      testing... same error.

      I'm pretty familiar with Magmi, and very familiar with Magento - and
      trying to solve this one is twisting my brain.

      I'm not sure what else to check, change or try.... any ideas are greatly

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      Support Requests: #83

      • Mark Middleton

        Mark Middleton - 2014-09-23

        Also a good suggestion.

        I've watched the state directory, and the progress.txt file is, indeed, NOT present. The magmistate file is there and I never see it contain anything other than "idle" but I'm not sure when to check it to see another magmi state.

        If I manually create a blank progress.txt, the system moves forward (brokenly) - so it's able to read the progress.txt file if it exists... something is preventing it from being created

  • Mark Middleton

    Mark Middleton - 2014-09-23

    Are there any files or external references that Magmi CREATES outside of the magmi folder (obviously it "looks" in the import directory, and connects to Mage) - but are there any files or caches that it creates outside of the magmi folder?

    In other words, If I delete the magmi folder and unzip a new one - are there any legacy pieces of Magmi anywhere that I should be removing?

    • Sebastien Bracquemont

      There is another possibility to the problem :

      • magmi did not have to time to write the file (for any reason) before the
        script than scans for it executes (polling is done through ajax for parsing
        the progress.txt file).
        thus , a slight modification of the polling algorithm might help.

      The initial progress scanning is launched in the js callback (line 74 of
      web/magmi_import_run.php) , with a delay of 200ms , (the .delay(0.2) at the
      end of the oline) , you might try to increase this delay.

      On your question

      Magmi only writes "image" files in magento image directory when importing

      For all internal purposes,it has been designed to be self-contained , which
      allows easy moving from one setup to another.

      The latest feature extension on magmi cli (-config=xxxx) might trigger
      external write too if using a specific "out-of-magmi" directory for new
      config, but i doubt you are using this.

      2014-09-23 15:04 GMT+02:00 Mark Middleton

      Are there any files or external references that Magmi CREATES outside of
      the magmi folder (obviously it "looks" in the import directory, and
      connects to Mage) - but are there any files or caches that it creates
      outside of the magmi folder?

      In other words, If I delete the magmi folder and unzip a new one - are
      there any legacy pieces of Magmi anywhere that I should be removing?

      Status: open
      Group: v1.0_(example)
      Created: Mon Sep 22, 2014 11:36 PM UTC by Mark Middleton
      Last Updated: Tue Sep 23, 2014 12:29 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      Huge fan of Magmi - it's fast, powerful and has been great for our

      I'm having a very confusing issue:

      When I attempt to run a profile from the UI, I receive "NO FILE"
      When I attempt to run a profile from the CLI, I do not receive any
      errors... or anything at all.


      Magmi works perfectly with our version (most recent version) of
      Magento on my local server and the dev server, but not on Production.

      Multiple times, I've removed the entire Magmi directory, and
      re-installed (including a few older versions to mix it up)

      All the folder permissions are checked (it's able to write to the
      state directory). If I make the state, plugins or conf directories
      unwritable, it gives me an error

      It is able to write and remove progress.txt (which is the file it's
      complaining about). If I add progress.txt in there manually, it looks like
      it's firing up - but the progress information is blank. If I return to the
      config page and "idle" it removes the manually inserted progress.txt

      I've tried multiple profiles (the same profiles which work locally)

      It's able to update the profile files, the config files, etc. I can
      view the files and see updates it's made to the variables (which CSV to
      import, etc)

      I've updated the config value for the import directory to the full
      absolute path of the import folder (instead of ../..) and it makes no
      difference... it doesn't get that far.

      I've taken git snapshots from the repo and installed those, I've
      downloaded the zip directly to the server and extracted it from SSH, I've
      uploaded using SFTP, I've confirmed the entire magmi folder is in tact.

      I've tried this with NGINX and Apache (magento is using NGINX, but we
      have apache to do display some other web utilities on the server) - same
      error on both.

      I've removed htaccess authentication requirements (temporarily) to
      test... same error.

      I've changed the name of the /magmi folder to something else for
      testing... same error.

      I'm pretty familiar with Magmi, and very familiar with Magento - and
      trying to solve this one is twisting my brain.

      I'm not sure what else to check, change or try.... any ideas are greatly

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      Support Requests: #83

  • Sebastien Bracquemont

    Just commited 2 slight changes on git. enhanced syntax for delay call, a slightly higher delay and use of latest prototype.js.

    • Mark Middleton

      Mark Middleton - 2014-09-23

      I deleted the old magmi folder, installed the new from the git snapshot - and I could see that before it came back with "no file" it had the slightest bit of delay (because of your higher delay).

      Same error, unfortunately.

      Thank you for your efforts. I'm doing everything I can to get our client the ability to do a mass update of their products.

      • Sebastien Bracquemont

        How many items do you have in your input file ?

        2014-09-23 16:49 GMT+02:00 Mark Middleton

        I deleted the old magmi folder, installed the new from the git snapshot -
        and I could see that before it came back with "no file" it had the
        slightest bit of delay (because of your higher delay).

        Same error, unfortunately.

        Thank you for your efforts. I'm doing everything I can to get our client
        the ability to do a mass update of their products.

        Status: open
        Group: v1.0_(example)
        Created: Mon Sep 22, 2014 11:36 PM UTC by Mark Middleton
        Last Updated: Tue Sep 23, 2014 01:50 PM UTC
        Owner: nobody

        Huge fan of Magmi - it's fast, powerful and has been great for our

        I'm having a very confusing issue:

        When I attempt to run a profile from the UI, I receive "NO FILE"
        When I attempt to run a profile from the CLI, I do not receive any
        errors... or anything at all.


        Magmi works perfectly with our version (most recent version) of
        Magento on my local server and the dev server, but not on Production.

        Multiple times, I've removed the entire Magmi directory, and
        re-installed (including a few older versions to mix it up)

        All the folder permissions are checked (it's able to write to the
        state directory). If I make the state, plugins or conf directories
        unwritable, it gives me an error

        It is able to write and remove progress.txt (which is the file it's
        complaining about). If I add progress.txt in there manually, it looks like
        it's firing up - but the progress information is blank. If I return to the
        config page and "idle" it removes the manually inserted progress.txt

        I've tried multiple profiles (the same profiles which work locally)

        It's able to update the profile files, the config files, etc. I can
        view the files and see updates it's made to the variables (which CSV to
        import, etc)

        I've updated the config value for the import directory to the full
        absolute path of the import folder (instead of ../..) and it makes no
        difference... it doesn't get that far.

        I've taken git snapshots from the repo and installed those, I've
        downloaded the zip directly to the server and extracted it from SSH, I've
        uploaded using SFTP, I've confirmed the entire magmi folder is in tact.

        I've tried this with NGINX and Apache (magento is using NGINX, but we
        have apache to do display some other web utilities on the server) - same
        error on both.

        I've removed htaccess authentication requirements (temporarily) to
        test... same error.

        I've changed the name of the /magmi folder to something else for
        testing... same error.

        I'm pretty familiar with Magmi, and very familiar with Magento - and
        trying to solve this one is twisting my brain.

        I'm not sure what else to check, change or try.... any ideas are greatly

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        Support Requests: #83

        • Sebastien Bracquemont

          could you reply me directly on my gmail so we can exchange instant
          messenging coords, this may be a much more efficient way to collaborate
          than support request forum ;)

          2014-09-23 17:03 GMT+02:00 Sebastien Bracquemont

          How many items do you have in your input file ?

          2014-09-23 16:49 GMT+02:00 Mark Middleton

          I deleted the old magmi folder, installed the new from the git snapshot -
          and I could see that before it came back with "no file" it had the
          slightest bit of delay (because of your higher delay).

          Same error, unfortunately.

          Thank you for your efforts. I'm doing everything I can to get our client
          the ability to do a mass update of their products.

          Status: open

          Group: v1.0_(example)
          Created: Mon Sep 22, 2014 11:36 PM UTC by Mark Middleton
          Last Updated: Tue Sep 23, 2014 01:50 PM UTC
          Owner: nobody

          Huge fan of Magmi - it's fast, powerful and has been great for our

          I'm having a very confusing issue:

          When I attempt to run a profile from the UI, I receive "NO FILE"
          When I attempt to run a profile from the CLI, I do not receive any
          errors... or anything at all.


          Magmi works perfectly with our version (most recent version) of
          Magento on my local server and the dev server, but not on Production.

          Multiple times, I've removed the entire Magmi directory, and
          re-installed (including a few older versions to mix it up)

          All the folder permissions are checked (it's able to write to the
          state directory). If I make the state, plugins or conf directories
          unwritable, it gives me an error

          It is able to write and remove progress.txt (which is the file it's
          complaining about). If I add progress.txt in there manually, it looks like
          it's firing up - but the progress information is blank. If I return to the
          config page and "idle" it removes the manually inserted progress.txt

          I've tried multiple profiles (the same profiles which work locally)

          It's able to update the profile files, the config files, etc. I can
          view the files and see updates it's made to the variables (which CSV to
          import, etc)

          I've updated the config value for the import directory to the full
          absolute path of the import folder (instead of ../..) and it makes no
          difference... it doesn't get that far.

          I've taken git snapshots from the repo and installed those, I've
          downloaded the zip directly to the server and extracted it from SSH, I've
          uploaded using SFTP, I've confirmed the entire magmi folder is in tact.

          I've tried this with NGINX and Apache (magento is using NGINX, but we
          have apache to do display some other web utilities on the server) - same
          error on both.

          I've removed htaccess authentication requirements (temporarily) to
          test... same error.

          I've changed the name of the /magmi folder to something else for
          testing... same error.

          I'm pretty familiar with Magmi, and very familiar with Magento - and
          trying to solve this one is twisting my brain.

          I'm not sure what else to check, change or try.... any ideas are greatly

          Sent from because you indicated interest in

          To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

          Status: open
          Group: v1.0_(example)
          Created: Mon Sep 22, 2014 11:36 PM UTC by Mark Middleton
          Last Updated: Tue Sep 23, 2014 01:50 PM UTC
          Owner: nobody

          Huge fan of Magmi - it's fast, powerful and has been great for our

          I'm having a very confusing issue:

          When I attempt to run a profile from the UI, I receive "NO FILE"
          When I attempt to run a profile from the CLI, I do not receive any
          errors... or anything at all.


          Magmi works perfectly with our version (most recent version) of
          Magento on my local server and the dev server, but not on Production.

          Multiple times, I've removed the entire Magmi directory, and
          re-installed (including a few older versions to mix it up)

          All the folder permissions are checked (it's able to write to the
          state directory). If I make the state, plugins or conf directories
          unwritable, it gives me an error

          It is able to write and remove progress.txt (which is the file it's
          complaining about). If I add progress.txt in there manually, it looks like
          it's firing up - but the progress information is blank. If I return to the
          config page and "idle" it removes the manually inserted progress.txt

          I've tried multiple profiles (the same profiles which work locally)

          It's able to update the profile files, the config files, etc. I can
          view the files and see updates it's made to the variables (which CSV to
          import, etc)

          I've updated the config value for the import directory to the full
          absolute path of the import folder (instead of ../..) and it makes no
          difference... it doesn't get that far.

          I've taken git snapshots from the repo and installed those, I've
          downloaded the zip directly to the server and extracted it from SSH, I've
          uploaded using SFTP, I've confirmed the entire magmi folder is in tact.

          I've tried this with NGINX and Apache (magento is using NGINX, but we
          have apache to do display some other web utilities on the server) - same
          error on both.

          I've removed htaccess authentication requirements (temporarily) to
          test... same error.

          I've changed the name of the /magmi folder to something else for
          testing... same error.

          I'm pretty familiar with Magmi, and very familiar with Magento - and
          trying to solve this one is twisting my brain.

          I'm not sure what else to check, change or try.... any ideas are greatly

          Sent from because you indicated interest in

          To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



          Support Requests: #83

  • Mark Middleton

    Mark Middleton - 2014-09-23

    In my test file (I've got several test files I have tested on other installations) there are 4 products.

    In their update we are trying to get this working for, they've got tens of thousands.

  • Mark Middleton

    Mark Middleton - 2014-09-23

    Hurray! Fixed.

    The issue was PHP was set to not display errors, and the mbstring extension was not installed on our production server.

    We turned on error reporting and tried to run the script from the command line. We received this error:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_internal_encoding() in /var/www/mimport/inc/magmi_engine.php on line 46

    We installed the mbstring extension in PHP, restarted the web server and everything now works.

    Many many thanks to Sebastien in helping us figure out the issue.

  • eyzworth

    eyzworth - 2014-09-27

    I am having the same problem but did not understand the solution, any advice in layman's terms. We had been running magmi fine and suddenly got the NO FILE error.

    • Mark Middleton

      Mark Middleton - 2014-09-27

      In short, there was a PHP error that was not being displayed.

      The easiest way to figure out the source of the problem is to:

      1. ensure PHP errors are displayed (set in php.ini variable
      2. set up the profile in Magmi ready to run
      3. from the command line, execute Magmi - watch for the error to appear on
        the command line.

      You can also make sure PHP errors are turned on and being logged... then go
      to your PHP error log.

      Good Luck!

      On Sat, Sep 27, 2014 at 11:16 AM, eyzworth wrote:

      I am having the same problem but did not understand the solution, any
      advice in layman's terms. We had been running magmi fine and suddenly got
      the NO FILE error.

      Status: open
      Group: v1.0_(example)
      Created: Mon Sep 22, 2014 11:36 PM UTC by Mark Middleton
      Last Updated: Tue Sep 23, 2014 04:24 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      Huge fan of Magmi - it's fast, powerful and has been great for our

      I'm having a very confusing issue:

      When I attempt to run a profile from the UI, I receive "NO FILE"
      When I attempt to run a profile from the CLI, I do not receive any
      errors... or anything at all.


      Magmi works perfectly with our version (most recent version) of
      Magento on my local server and the dev server, but not on Production.

      Multiple times, I've removed the entire Magmi directory, and
      re-installed (including a few older versions to mix it up)

      All the folder permissions are checked (it's able to write to the
      state directory). If I make the state, plugins or conf directories
      unwritable, it gives me an error

      It is able to write and remove progress.txt (which is the file it's
      complaining about). If I add progress.txt in there manually, it looks like
      it's firing up - but the progress information is blank. If I return to the
      config page and "idle" it removes the manually inserted progress.txt

      I've tried multiple profiles (the same profiles which work locally)

      It's able to update the profile files, the config files, etc. I can
      view the files and see updates it's made to the variables (which CSV to
      import, etc)

      I've updated the config value for the import directory to the full
      absolute path of the import folder (instead of ../..) and it makes no
      difference... it doesn't get that far.

      I've taken git snapshots from the repo and installed those, I've
      downloaded the zip directly to the server and extracted it from SSH, I've
      uploaded using SFTP, I've confirmed the entire magmi folder is in tact.

      I've tried this with NGINX and Apache (magento is using NGINX, but we
      have apache to do display some other web utilities on the server) - same
      error on both.

      I've removed htaccess authentication requirements (temporarily) to
      test... same error.

      I've changed the name of the /magmi folder to something else for
      testing... same error.

      I'm pretty familiar with Magmi, and very familiar with Magento - and
      trying to solve this one is twisting my brain.

      I'm not sure what else to check, change or try.... any ideas are greatly

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

      To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



      Support Requests: #83

  • Pavel Kachurka

    Pavel Kachurka - 2015-03-09

    We had the same NO FILE error in fresh Magmi installation (v0.7.21).
    Now it works! Solution: just change line 11 in file magmi_productimportengine.php


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