
#268 Ability to make desktop files editable again

lxpanel (23)

I'm using LXPanel 0.7.2 and currently if a startmenu entry is added to the desktop it is created as a symlink. Before 0.7.x the created file was a .desktop file. The current behavior has the advantage to reduce redundancy (and commonly saving disk space) but it has the disadvantage that the user can't manually edit the created file anymore for example to change the start parameters.

Currently I'm thinking about that maybe 2 entries in LXPanel could be added for adding a desktop file. But maybe there is a better solution to solve this.


  • Sworddragon

    Sworddragon - 2015-02-10

    I'm noticing that start menu entries can now be easily edited and are then saved as a copy in the users local application folder. This way if a user needs to change something on a desktop file like the start parameters he could make these changes to the related start menu entry and then create a new shortcut to the desktop.

    Personally I'm fine with this ability and if nobody else needs an enhancement here maybe this ticket can be closed.

  • Sworddragon

    Sworddragon - 2015-02-12

    I have now noticed something else with shortcuts: If a shortcut is created after changes were made to the related start menu entry another change will cause that the shortcut will map to these changes while a shortcut created before changes were made to the related start menu entry will not. So there is a small inconsistent behavior.


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