
#1404 Keepass shuts down when it shouldn't


Closing a maximized Keepass window under KDE 4&5 terminates the program entirely regardless of the settings. If the window isn't maximized, it does not terminate and hides into the tray, although before that it exhibits some quirky behaviour playing the animation of going from the minimized to the normal state.

Can be reproduced under Kubuntu 15.04.


  • Paul

    Paul - 2015-07-14

    Not an issue on my Lubuntu 14.10 test box. Must be an issue with KDE.

    cheers, Paul

  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2015-08-22
    • status: open --> closed
  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2015-08-22

    I cannot reproduce this under Mint 17.1 KDE. Maybe it was a bug in Mono that has been fixed in the meanwhile or something specific to Kubuntu.

    Best regards,

  • Pastafarianist

    Pastafarianist - 2015-08-24

    I still have it under both KDE 4 on Gentoo and KDE 5 on Kubuntu. Could you re-open the issue?


    Last edit: Pastafarianist 2015-08-24
  • Paul

    Paul - 2015-08-25

    This is not a KeePass bug, it will be a mono / KDE issue, but we can't reproduce it.
    Do you have any KeePass plug-ins or extra Linux software?

    cheers, Paul

    • Pastafarianist

      Pastafarianist - 2015-08-26

      I don't think plugins are to blame: I have only KeePassHttp.

      It might be more relevant that I have the first two checkboxes selected under Options → Interface → Main Window: "minimize instead of closing" and "minimize to tray". Their combined effect under Linux is as described in the first post. Under Windows, they cause Keepass to be minimized in the tray when I click [x].

      I'm not really sure what you mean by the extra Linux software, but I tried this on a clean Kubuntu installation (I think I only installed Chromium), and I reproduced it.

      I guess that Keepass settings are stored within the database. If that's correct, I could post here a clean DB with the settings that cause this behaviour. Would you take a look at it?

  • Pastafarianist

    Pastafarianist - 2015-08-27

    No, nothing at all. As I said, this is reproduced on an (almost) clean installation of Kubuntu 15.04.

    My config file (with the section on the recently opened files cleaned up) is here: It contains the settings for the Readable Password Generator, but that's irrelevant, since I saw the same behaviour before I installed it.

    To reproduce, open the Keepass main window, maximize it and click [x]. It should shut down. Then open in unmaximized and click [x]. It will go transparent, then play the animation of restoring from being minimized, then go transparent again.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2015-08-27

    It's fine on mine with the options you describe.

    cheers, Paul

  • Pastafarianist

    Pastafarianist - 2015-08-27

    Well, this is weird. I'll try installing Mono 4 (mine is currently 2.10.9-r2, latest "stable" in Gentoo repos).

  • Paul

    Paul - 2015-08-27

    There is a problem in mono 4 where the database won't save if compression is on. this may be fixed in mono 4.0.4.

    cheers, Paul

  • Pastafarianist

    Pastafarianist - 2015-09-02

    On Mono 3.12.1 the behavior is the same. I'll upgrade to Mono 4.0.4 when it shows up in the repository and I'll check back again.


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