
#1333 Funny little UI bug

01. Start KeePass by opening a kdbx file.
02. Click on View menu and make sure that options "Show Toolbar", "Show Entry View", "Always on Top", and "Show Entries of Subgroups" have been disabled.
03. Exit KeePass.
//enabling options
04. Start KeePass.
05. Click on View menu and enable one of the options stated in the list above.
06. Exit KeePass.
07. Start KeePass.
08. Click on View menu and enable another option from the list.
09. Exit KeePass.
10. Start KeePass.
11. Repeat steps 8 through 10 until you reach the end of the list.
//disabling options
12. Click on View menu and disable one of the options.
13. Exit KeePass.
14. Start KeePass.
15. Repeat steps 12 through 14 until you reach the end of the list.
16. Click on View menu and make sure all options from the list have been disabled.
17. Exit KeePass.

At step 5, notice how a selection type of square appears to the left of the option name. Also note the missing checkmark.

At step 8, notice how the checkmark has now appeared inside the square.

At step 12, notice how the square disappears around a previously enabled option, but the checkmark stays put. The checkmark disappears only after restarting KeePass.

I believe this is a minor UI bug. I can't think of this as an un-documented feature. (I guess you could use it as a wacko way of telling which menu options have been enabled during the current vs. previous program session. That's not very useful though.)

12 Attachments


  • Samir

    Samir - 2014-12-30

    For some reason, the screenshots don't appear to be sorted by file name on this page. For a visual demonstration, download all the screenshots locally, sort them by file name and open them as a slideshow, in a fast loop.

  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2014-12-30
    • status: open --> closed
    • Group: KeePass_1.x --> KeePass_2.x

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