
#1184 Save dialog behind other program


If you don't save changes (e.g. after adding a new entry), KeePass's auto-lock feature (e.g. after a certain idle time) pops up a "yes/no/cancel" question about saving changes.

If you're not around your computer to answer that question, then after a while KeePass stops responding. That is, the task bar icon is not clickable. Every right click option is grayed out. In the alt+tab menu, an unselectable white square replaces KeePass' icon.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Enable the idle auto-lock feature.
  2. Add an entry.
  3. Don't save.
  4. Don't touch KeePass for a few hours.


  • Paul

    Paul - 2013-10-29

    Can you Alt Tab to the Save dialogue box?

    cheers, Paul

  • Paul

    Paul - 2013-10-29

    I have been able to replicate the issue and can answer my own question - no.
    To bring up the save dialog press the open KeePass hot keys (Ctl Alt K).
    I suspect this is a Windows thing and may be difficult to control from KeePass, but I'm sure Dominik will advise.

    cheers, Paul

  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2013-10-29

    I'm currently trying to reproduce this (with KeePass 1.26). After 1 hour, I cannot observe the problem yet.

    Best regards,

  • Paul

    Paul - 2013-10-29

    I have KeePass minimized to the tray. Haven't tried it minimized to taskbar.
    KeePass V2.23

    cheers, Paul


    Last edit: Paul 2013-10-29
  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2013-10-29

    The bug report specifies 'KeePass 1.x' as milestone, thus I'm testing with KeePass 1.26. Furthermore, he didn't mention anything about minimizing the main window, thus I simply left it open in the background.

    So far (i.e. after 3 hours), I still don't see any problem.

    Please provide more details (KeePass version, configuration file, detailed steps, ...).

    Best regards,

  • Paul

    Paul - 2013-10-29

    On my machine (Win 7 home premium x64) I can reproduce it consistently.
    Unlock KeePass V2.23.
    Set KeePass to lock after timeout - I used 60 seconds to test.
    Untick save database on close lock.
    Tick minimize to tray instead of taskbar.
    Change a Note field somewhere, close the edit window.
    Minimize KeePass.
    Open another program that covers the middle of the screen.
    Use other program for 60 seconds.

    KeePass will now have opened a save dialog behind the other program and you can access that window by minimizing the other program or pressing Ctrl Alt K, but not by double clicking on the KeePass tray icon.

    cheers, Paul

  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2014-06-28
    • summary: KeePass crashes after a while if the "save changes" question is unanswered --> Save dialog behind other program
  • Philip R Dwyer

    Philip R Dwyer - 2014-09-23

    I tested this one a windows 8.1 64 bit Keepass 2.27 and the issue is still there. I as well set the lock time to 60 seconds to test it and had similar results as other testers. I also forced it by file->lock workspace and it has similar problem, although it is probable in that situation the user is still sitting at the computer. There is a checkbox now that give the user the option to automatically save when closing/locking the database. This can be good and bad, because some people automatically close a program when they make a mistake intending on not saving, but checking this box does solve the original issue. The popup still hides itself if there is another window above KeePass. There are more settings to prevent this issue, but none of them are set in the default settings. From the dialog box it seems like it is a windows issue due to the style of the save box. Overall somewhat fixed, I would recommend making the default settings to save under idle conditions.

    Phil Dwyer


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