
Can't load raster layer

  • klo

    klo - 2012-11-26


    I downloaded latest release from sourceforge as I thought to try it to register image and add some layers.
    However trying to load any image (TIFF, JPEG, PNG…) through "Add Image layer", file menu action fails always:

    Am I doing something wrong?

  • mentaer

    mentaer - 2012-11-26


    it is difficult to day what happens with the log. Did loading that image worked before with an older OpenJUMP version - or was this your first try?
    What type of image do you want to load? If it is a TIFF, then it may be likely that is does not work, because tiff can have many saving options.
    Did you try to loading it with "Sextante Raster Image" option as well? (both image loaders work differently).


  • klo

    klo - 2012-11-27

    Hi, and thanks for your fast reply

    It's the first time I tried this software.

    I can't find reference to "Sextante Raster Image" option. I see Sextante menu offering toolbox, and modeler, but can't see how to use it to load raster.

    I tried with regular LZW TIFF, then with uncompressed TIFF produced by different tool, and also with GeoTIFF from yet other tool. Always this exception.

    I wrote that PNG doesn't load also, but I found that some do load (most of them actually) but some just hang the program - these are small less the 1MB files, and OpenJump pumps the memory to max (set to ~400MB) and CPU is maxed, so I have to terminate the process.

    Is there some recommendation on image format that's accepted best by OpenJUMP?


  • mentaer

    mentaer - 2012-11-27

    Sorry for having that much trouble. Seems like there is definitively something wrong.
    The Sextante Raster works as follows: go to "Open…" and then chose from the left sidemenu the sextante raster image option, then browse and pick your image file.

    if you have that many different geotiffs, one of them should work… also the png. Strange…

    It is not really the best to say, but if you still fail, then you probably need to try Quantum GIS.
    Would there be actually the option that you can send such an image… How did you create them?

    Also what Version of OpenJUMP are you using exactly? (What does it say on the start-up screen, some revision number?)

    ok… lets see, I am also going to do some test loads now.

  • mentaer

    mentaer - 2012-11-27

    Hi again,

    can you check if you can load the two images contained in the zip file here (and if they overlay with the shp data):

    Loading the jpg and png did work for me using File>Open File… with OpenJUMP RC 1.6 (rev. 3073)

    Actually, as a note, the Sextante Raster option is newer and maybe a bit less flexible with respect to file formats, but it allows to process and analyse rasters/images with the Sextante toolbox.


    (for me its 10pm now.. so you may need to wait for follow up answers)

  • klo

    klo - 2012-11-27

    Thank you Stefan for your kind assistance

    I'm using latest version from sourceforge - 1.5.2 rev.2930
    I tried the test files you attached and they work fine.

    I do have Quantum GIS, which is great software, but wanted to see another possible workflows and decide which suites best. Thanks for your suggestion.

    I now tried "Sextante raster" option in open dialog. Obviously I didn't go through "Open…" dialog yet, as I guess I was expecting that's for native project files, while it's interface for loading various kinds of data. Great.
    Loading TIFF files thorough "Sextante raster" is without issues. All files, I had problem with, are loaded fine.

    TIFF files were just scans. Here is link to example file that can't load through "Add image layer", but works fine with "Sextante raster":

    About PNGs, I just tried some random images to test if OpenJUMP would load them, so that I could use that format. Link example of PNG image that "hangs" OpenJUMP (also with Sextante raster) is here:
    As meantioned majority of PNG files are loaded just fine, with both "Add image layer" and "Sextante raster"

    For JPEG files, all can be loaded with "Sextante raster", but with "Add image layer" some are just rendered blank.

    Thanks again Stefan, I'm ready to try OpenJUMP now :)

  • mentaer

    mentaer - 2012-11-27

    thank you too…
    so we need to check what it going on with those images.

    Btw. RC 1.6 can be already downloaded and we try to fix the last bugs before a Xmas/New Years release.

  • michael michaud

    michael michaud - 2012-11-27

    Hi Klonuo, Stefan,

    I think there is at least two problem.
    First was a problem with our code ( was not found). I will commit the fix.
    After that, I get a more meaningful message saying
    Neither geotiff tags nor valid worldfile found.
    This is not a valid GeoTIFF file.
    Don't know much about geotiff. Is the file supposed to be a tagged with geolocalization information, or is it a simple tiff file without reference ?


  • mentaer

    mentaer - 2012-11-27

    I think it is a simple TIFF as it is a scan. So no geotiff nor other tags.
    But I thought we can load this… or well: the old framework can load non-geo images, but always had problems with tiff i think. Sextante needs geotiffs I believe. Phewww…

    thanks for investigating!

  • michael michaud

    michael michaud - 2012-11-27

    In other formats (png, jpg…), images without referencing are given a world file supplied directly by the code.
    I bet that geotiff does not use exaclty the same code as it is a special case (geotiff + use of an external library).
    It may not be too hard to fix, but my todo list is already larger than the number of week-end before mid-december :-(

  • klo

    klo - 2012-11-28

    Hi Stefan and Michael

    TIFF image attached in my previous reply is scanned and georeferenced. It looks like the problem is with this particular georeferenced image made by "Geographic Imager" for Photoshop.

    TIFF images georeferenced with gdal for example, have no problems.

    Also some not georeferenced TIFFs can be loaded some won't
    From very quick investigation, perhaps uncompressed TIFFs can't be loaded with "Add Image Layer".


  • mentaer

    mentaer - 2012-11-28


    thanks for your response - it confirms things that others found out the past hours too.
    The GCPs from georeferencing seem to be the trouble for OpenJUMP, while other types of geo-referencing aren't. I.e. one ouf our project members checked that with gdal (and suggested gdalwarp for a different tiff). Another suggested also to look which jai image libraries are used (maybe you have older ones already somewhere so the one shipped with OpenJUMP are not used).
    And, true, the older "Add Image Layer" had always some problems with packed filles, i.e. LZW.

    thanks… will attach your message to our meanwhile closed bug report (as it is more a feature request with respect to accepted image types). But really good you wrote us, so we now know what to suggest to others with similar problems.

  • Jukka Rahkonen

    Jukka Rahkonen - 2012-11-28


    That tiff file has couple of things causing problems.  First is that it contains ground control points as you can see from the gdalinfo report

    Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
    Files: Scan-121105-0002.tif
    Size is 473, 468
    Coordinate System is `'
    GCP Projection =
    GEOGCS["WGS 84",
            SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
    GCP: Id=1, Info=
              (0,0) -> (21.2660555555556,42.0203833333333,0)
    GCP: Id=2, Info=
              (472,0) -> (21.2782062986553,42.0203833333333,0)
    GCP: Id=3, Info=
              (0,467) -> (21.2660555555556,42.0115051222697,0)
    GCP: Id=4, Info=
              (472,467) -> (21.2782062986553,42.0115051222697,0)

    You can get rid of GPC's with gdalwarp

    >gdalwarp -of GTiff -co tfw=yes -co compress=lzw Scan-121105-0002.tif base.tif
    This opens with File-Open file. With Add image layer it behaves in an odd way. When added to an empty project it does not show.  But if project already has for example the same image opened with File open, it show when opened with Add image layer.  Very odd.

  • Jukka Rahkonen

    Jukka Rahkonen - 2012-11-28

    Sorry, I do not know of another reason for the problem. I thought that it was the LZW compression, but it was just that Add image layer did not add the image to an empty project. If you do twice Add image layer: base.tif then both two image layers get visible. This feels like a bug.

  • klo

    klo - 2012-11-28

    @Stefan, besides the problem with this particular georeferenced TIFF file, I experience problem (in both 1.5.2 and 1.6RC1 "Add image layer") with *uncompressed* TIFFs. LZW packed shows just fine here.

    I can attach sample of such TIFF file, if necessary.


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