
Display of Postgis raster

bill told
  • bill told

    bill told - 2012-04-28

    Hi, I have just installed postgis 2.0 with raster support (Win 7). Is there a way to display postgis raster in openjump? I get errors when I try a simple query such as: (from the postgis manual)

    SELECT ST_AsPNG(ST_AsRaster(ST_Buffer(ST_Point(1,5),10),150, 150, '2BUI'));

    Any suggestions or is this a feature not yet implemented?
    Many thanks

  • michael michaud

    michael michaud - 2012-04-28

    Hi Billtold

    Sorry, this feature is not yet implemented.
    I'll fill a Feature Request for that feature as it is not yet in our roadmap.


  • mentaer

    mentaer - 2012-04-28


    if I remember correctly - the guy who started developing PostGIS raster first, did his developments with OpenJUMP (met him once at a conference). So maybe he has a plugin? I can't remember his name, but he was in Quebec - the province.
    Though, I guess its also an independent development from our PGIS plugin.



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