
#316 Inconsistencies in plugin enablecheck

not specified

There are many inconsistencies in the enablecheck parameter of plugins.
Most of them appear if two projects or more are opened, and/or if an Attribute table is active.
One current problem happens if layer B of project B is selected, and Attribute table of layer A of project A is the active frame : most plugins are initialized with layer B, not A.
Some suggestions :
Save view as...
Copy to clipboard
==> should be deactivated if no task window is active (if a attribute table is active)
==> some plugins are activated if no layer is selected and an attribute table is active (ex. buffer, offset) and others are not (union, polygon overlay) : as soon as the plugin offers a layer chooser, it should be active (and propose only layers of the task related to the active window, either a task window or a attribute table)
Layer attribute
Layer statistics
Feature statistics
==> Should be activated if no layer is selected but a Attribute table is active
Generate > Create point layer
==> Should be activated if a Attribute table is active
Edit geometries
==> Planar graph activation is not similar to other plugins of the submenu
Edit attribute
==> Some of them should be available if a Attribute table is active


  • michael michaud

    michael michaud - 2016-10-28

    done for "Save view as..." and "Copy to clipboard..."
    done for all statistics plugins
    done for PointLayerFromAttributeTablePlugIn
    planar graph plugin dialog box repaired


    Last edit: michael michaud 2016-10-30
  • ede

    ede - 2020-09-13
    • Operating System: --> Windows
    • Milestone: --> OJ_2.x
  • ede

    ede - 2020-09-13

    which leaves

    One current problem happens if layer B of project B is selected, and Attribute table of layer A of project A is the active frame : most plugins are initialized with layer B, not A.
    Some suggestions :

    ==> should be deactivated if no task window is active (if a attribute table is active)

    ==> some plugins are activated if no layer is selected and an attribute table is active (ex. buffer, offset) and others are not (union, polygon overlay) : as soon as the plugin offers a layer chooser, it should be active (and propose only layers of the task related to the active window, either a task window or a attribute table)

    Layer attribute
    ==> Should be activated if a Attribute table is active

    Edit geometries
    ==> Planar graph activation is not similar to other plugins of the submenu

    Edit attribute
    ==> Some of them should be available if a Attribute table is active

    anyway, not blocking OJ 1.16

  • ede

    ede - 2021-08-08
    • Operating System: Windows --> not specified
    • Milestone: OJ_2.x --> OJ_future
  • ede

    ede - 2021-08-08

    not blocking OJ2 move it to future


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