
#278 switch WMS-Layers on or off

Bernd Wehle

Build 3110, 20121205
sometimes WMS layers in the Layer window i can not switch on or switch off.
I have to use the context menu of the right mouse button. This works correctly.
On build 3049 and before i can not found this problem. Other builds between this i have not checked.

my english is supported by google-translator…


  • ede

    ede - 2012-12-06

    hi bernd,

    could you work with the console enabled and see if some error stack pops up there when thsi doesn't work? to enable edit oj_windows.bat and uncomment (remove 'rem') like this

    rem -- uncomment to use 'java' for console output, if unset defaults to 'javaw' for background jre --
    set JAVA_BIN=java


  • Bernd Wehle

    Bernd Wehle - 2012-12-06

    this is a problem with one of my projects. When i create a new project with the same layers (!!), OJ works correctly. Has the project-file a new structure??

  • michael michaud

    michael michaud - 2012-12-06

    New tags have been added in the project file to support dynamic attributes but it should not break previous project files.
    Could you send a working and a non-working project file so that we can compare ?


  • Bernd Wehle

    Bernd Wehle - 2012-12-07

    2 Projectfiles

  • Bernd Wehle

    Bernd Wehle - 2012-12-07

    the problem is in context with the order of shape- and wms-layer.
    in the zip are 2 identical projects with different order of layers.
    one project works fine - the other works not fine by switch layer on/off

  • Bernd Wehle

    Bernd Wehle - 2012-12-10

    Some bugs or curiosly effects comes with a new build and go any builds later - and sometimes still, without comments.
    On build 3119 i can not found this problem.

  • Bernd Wehle

    Bernd Wehle - 2012-12-10
    • status: open --> closed
  • michael michaud

    michael michaud - 2012-12-10

    Probably a consequence of the bug introduced in LayerNameRenderer a few weeks ago and fixed on saturday by Ede.
    Thanks for the report.


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