
#269 LayerNameRenderer and Windows 7 issue


The default Windows skin does not show the name of the selected layer names in in many drop down menus on Windows 7. To reproduce:
- Start OpenJUMP
- Create couple of new layers
- Go to Tools - Query - Spatial Query and have a look at Source Layer box
- Change to Windows classic skin and now Source Layer box looks better for the users.

-Jukka Rahkonen-


  • michael michaud

    michael michaud - 2012-09-23
    • milestone: --> Windows
  • Jukka Rahkonen

    Jukka Rahkonen - 2012-10-08

    Spatial Query dialogue on Win7

  • Jukka Rahkonen

    Jukka Rahkonen - 2012-10-08

    It is better now but layer names appear only after moving focus out of the selection box. Another issue is that layer name box has a fixed width and it does not scale automatically as it does with the classic Windows skin.

  • ede

    ede - 2012-10-08

    probably an issue where the values are added to the gui component but the gui is not invalidated and layed out again at the right time, meaning before setting visible.


  • michael michaud

    michael michaud - 2012-10-08

    I solved the problem by tranfering the focus to another component after a JComboBox action (not very clean, but I have nothing better yet)
    Yesterday, I tranferred the focus to the previous component in the cycle but as Jukka noticed, the previous component maybe another combobox.
    I now transfer the focus to the parent component. Seems to work but I can't check what happens if you traverse the UI tree with the keyboard.

  • michael michaud

    michael michaud - 2012-11-10
    • status: open --> pending-fixed
  • michael michaud

    michael michaud - 2012-11-18
    • status: pending-fixed --> closed-fixed
  • michael michaud

    michael michaud - 2012-11-18

    No feedback, I consider the bug as closed

  • ede

    ede - 2012-11-19


    doublechaecked your solving angle today and decided that the root cause lied within the LayerNameRenderer.. while i was at it i took the freedom to make the listcell rendering aware of the width of te content. the appropriate entries in comboboxes using LayerNameRenderer should now have correct width and showing the complete name if possible according space constraints.



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