
jTDS - SQL Server and Sybase JDBC driver / News: Recent posts

jTDS JDBC Driver 1.2.8 and 1.3.1 released

The jTDS project has released version 1.2.8 and 1.3.1 of the open source JDBC driver for Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase.

New features:
o Backported Kerberos support from jTDS 2.0 (jTDS 1.3 only).

Bug fixes:
o #702, ConnectionJDBC2.getMutex() isn't thread-safe.
o #687, incompatible property name mappings.
o #699, conversion from timestamp String to Date fails.
o #695, trailing line comment breaking connection state on metadata retrieval.
o #694, jTDS logger may cause an NPE.
o #508, the driver ignored unspecified server errors.
o #682, error when using date/time escapes in a procedure call.
o #626, missing type mapping for java.math.BigInteger.
o #683, MSSQL 2000 compatibility issue.
o #552, jTDS may fail to find an SQL Server instance.

Posted by momo 2013-06-08

jTDS JDBC Driver 1.2.7 and 1.3.0 released

The jTDS project has released version 1.2.7 and 1.3.0 of the open source JDBC driver for Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase. The new versions are a quite huge update, also fixing a number of critical bugs and improving the performance, so we'd highly encourage you to upgrade.

Version 1.3.0 is the first Java 7 compatible version of the driver and, beside the fix for bug #672, improves performance compared to version 1.2.7. The future development will be focused on the 1.3.x line of the driver, so further enhancements and bug fixes will not necessarily become available it the Java 1.3 compatible jTDS 1.2.x. You should only stick to jTDS 1.2 if you require to use a Java version prior to Java 7.... read more

Posted by momo 2012-10-27

jTDS JDBC Driver 1.2.6 release update

The last driver release returned a wrong version String (1.2.5) in DatabaseMetaData.getDriverVersion(). The jTDS 1.2.6 realease files have been updated with a corrected version.

We apologise for the trouble caused.

Posted by momo 2012-09-07

jTDS JDBC Driver 1.2.6 released

The jTDS Project has released version 1.2.6 of the open source JDBC driver for
Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase. jTDS 1.2.6 is a maintenance release, correcting
a number of bugs and adding a few minor features.

Bug fixes:
o [3476715], parsing time values containing fractions of seconds may fail.
o Corrected a bug that could cause a call to JtdsStatement.close() to fail.
o Fixed a bug that could cause ResultSet cancellation to close the connection.
o [3141458], NPE if are called concurrently.
o [3078236], Exception chaining time grows exponentially.
o [3081749], SSPIJNIClient.getInstance() wasn't thread-safe.
o Corrected a bug that caused a RuntimeException to mask a prior SQLException.
o Improved fix for bug [2931326], Statement.close() cannot throw NPE anymore.
o [2931326], NPE if Statement.close() is called by threads concurrently.
o [3002431], improved handling of port discovery errors.
o [3000472], TimerThread started when closing the last connection.
o Fixed method synchronization in TimerThread.

jTDS is the most performant JDBC driver for both Microsoft SQL Server and
Sybase. It is a complete implementation of JDBC 3.0, it passes the J2EE 1.3
certification and Hibernate test suites and is the preferred SQL Server/Sybase
driver for JBoss, Hibernate, Atlassian JIRA and Confluence, DbVisualizer and
Compiere.... read more

Posted by momo 2012-08-15

jTDS JDBC Driver 1.2.5 released

The jTDS Project has released version 1.2.5 of the open source JDBC driver for Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase. jTDS 1.2.5 is a maintenance release, correcting a number of bugs and adding a few minor features.

This release restores backward compatibility with Java 1.3.

Bug fixes:
o [2900139], NoClassDefFoundError with C3P0.
o [2856350]/[2898905], problems with JDBC4 stubs in GlassFish.
o [2911266], default response timeout of 30 seconds if using named pipes.
o [2892493], NullPointException when receiving character NULL values.
o [2891775], fix for bug [2340241] has broken Java 1.3 compatibility.
o [2883066], Numeric overflow in conversion BigInteger/BIGINT.
o [2871274], no soft kill for TimerThread.
o Corrected a bug that lead to login errors being masked by later exceptions.... read more

Posted by momo 2009-12-30

jTDS JDBC Driver 1.2.4 released

[The Sourceforge news system has been unavailable for some time, so this announcement has not been posted earlier. jTDS 1.2.4 has already been uploaded to Sourceforge on September 29 2009.]

The jTDS Project has released version 1.2.4 of the open source JDBC driver for Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase. jTDS 1.2.4 is a hotfix release, correcting critical bug [2860742].

Bug fixes:
o [2860742], getByte() causes overflow error for negative values.
o [2856350], JDBC4 method stubs make jTDS unusable.... read more

Posted by momo 2009-10-22

jTDS JDBC Driver 1.2.3 released

The jTDS Project has released version 1.2.3 of the open source JDBC driver for
Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase. jTDS 1.2.3 is a bugfix release, improving
upon jTDS 1.2.2. A few new features also made it into the release.

New features:
o [2340241] process ID can be passed as connection property
o [1778933] added support for socket keep-alive feature

Bug fixes:
o [2814376] varchar-type is truncated in non-unicode environment
o [2349058] DateTime allows invalid dates through
o [2181003] attempt to set a BC date invalidates internal state
o [2675463] jTDS returns database users instead of schemas
o [1855125] jTDS silently ignores integer overflows
o [1755448] login failure leaves unclosed sockets
o [1845477] missing license info
o [1955499] performance problems with timestamps in multi-threaded applications
o [1793584] login timeout canceled too early
o [1802986] incorrect charset mapping between 'MAC' and 'ISO-8859-1'
o [1957748] jTDS is leaking memory
o [2508201] date values are changed by 3 milliseconds
o [2796385] jTDS is running out of UDP sockets
o [1869156] jTDS is leaking memory
o [2021839] data truncation problem
o [1811383] ArrayIndexOutOfBounds on executeBatch
o [2021839] savepoint starts 2 transactions if it's the first operation
o [1843801] infinite loop if DB connection dies during a batch
o [2818256] a savepoint is invalid after rollback
o [1883905] unintentional infinite wait

Make sure to check the changelog for detailed listings of the bugfixes and new

jTDS is the most performant JDBC driver for both Microsoft SQL Server and
Sybase. It is a complete implementation of JDBC 3.0, it passes the J2EE 1.3
certification and Hibernate test suites and is the preferred SQL Server/Sybase
driver for JBoss, Hibernate, Atlassian JIRA and Confluence, DbVisualizer and

For more information on jTDS see:

The release can be downloaded from:

Posted by momo 2009-09-04

jTDS JDBC Driver 1.2.2 released

Open source JDBC 3.0 Type 4 driver for Microsoft SQL Server (6.5, 7.0, 2000 and 2005) and Sybase. jTDS is the fastest JDBC driver for MS SQL Server and is a complete implementation of the JDBC spec. For more information see

The jTDS Project has released version 1.2.2 of the open source JDBC driver for
Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase. jTDS 1.2.2 is a bugfix release, improving over
upon jTDS 1.2.1. A few new features also made it into the release.

New features:
o 64-bit support for Single Sign On (SSO)
o [1491811] sqlState code for snapshot conflict.

Bug fixes:
o [1774322] Sybase nulled text fields return not null
o [1592113] NTLMv2 properties on datasource ... read more

Posted by Brian Heineman 2007-08-23

jTDS JDBC Driver 1.2.1 released

The jTDS Project has released version 1.2.1 of the open source JDBC driver for Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase. jTDS 1.2.1 is a bugfix release, improving over the very successful jTDS 1.2. A few new features also made it into the release.

New features:
o Support for specifying the bind address
o Support for SNAPSHOT transaction isolation
o NTLMv2 authentication
o Support for specifying the disk buffer directory.

Bug fixes (partial list):
o Statement memory leak
o SQLException thrown in CallableStatement SetByte()/setDouble()/setFloat()
o Single blank space returned as empty string
o Execute batch returning incorrect counts
o Default named pipe path for Sybase
o Named pipe connections across domains
o Concurrent batch update failure
o executeQuery absorbs thread interrupt status

Make sure to check the changelog for detailed listings of the bugfixes and new features.

jTDS is the most performant JDBC driver for both Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase. It is a complete implementation of JDBC 3.0, it passes the J2EE 1.3 certification and Hibernate test suites and is the preferred SQL Server/Sybase driver for JBoss, Hibernate, Atlassian JIRA and Confluence, DbVisualizer and Compiere.

For more information on jTDS see

The release can be downloaded from:

Posted by Brian Heineman 2007-07-12

jTDS JDBC Driver 1.2 released

The jTDS Project has released version 1.2 of the open source JDBC driver for
Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase. jTDS 1.2 is a major bugfix release, improving
over the very successful jTDS 1.1. A few new features, such as support for
Sybase ASE 15, SQL Server 2005 and improved exceptions also made it into the

New features:
o Support for Sybase ASE 15
o Improved support for SQL Server 2005 varchar(max) and varbinary(max)
o Complete handling of cursor exceptions and downgrading
o Better handling of cancels and timeouts
o Configurable socket timeout
o Subclasses of basic JDBC types recognized as setObject() values... read more

Posted by Alin Sinpalean 2005-11-08

jTDS JDBC Driver 1.1 released

The jTDS Project has released version 1.1 of the open source JDBC driver for Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase. jTDS 1.1 is a major feature release, notable new features including much improved statement caching, configurable metadata caching, optimistic/pessimistic locking support and fast forward-only cursors.

Other major changes are the switch to sp_prepare as default prepare method for prepared statements instead of temporary stored procedures -- which means better performance and no more depending on transaction rollbacks -- and optimistic concurrency instead of row locks on default updatable result sets.... read more

Posted by Alin Sinpalean 2005-06-16

jTDS JDBC Driver 1.0.3 released

The jTDS Project has released version 1.0.3 of the open source JDBC driver for Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase. jTDS 1.0.3 is a major bugfix release, greatly improving stability over previous versions.

o get/setTimestamp() DST problem
o Server side cursors: ResultSet.relative() and updateRow() issues
o Timeouts: memory leaks, not working correctly
o Connection.close() hanging on network failure
o ParameterMetaData: incomplete implementation
o Sybase: Batch updates using JDBC escapes not working
o Sybase: TEXT and IMAGE values truncated on write
o Single Sign On crashing the JVM
o Clob disk caching: data loss, temp file leaks
o Statement cancel: race condition, hang
o CallableStatement update count caching
o WRITETEXT and UPDATETEXT generating spurious output parameters
o SQL query parser issues... read more

Posted by Alin Sinpalean 2005-04-20

jTDS JDBC Driver 1.0.2 released

jTDS is a type 4 JDBC 3.0 driver for Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase.

jTDS 1.0.2 is a minor release, containing a single bug fix over 1.0.1: because of a regression the jTDS 1.0.1 DataSource implementation failed to work with JNDI. If you encountered this problem please upgrade to 1.0.2. We apologize for any problems we might have caused.

Posted by Alin Sinpalean 2005-02-15

jTDS JDBC Driver 1.0.1 released

The jTDS Project has released version 1.0.1 of the jTDS JDBC driver for SQL Server and Sybase. jTDS 1.0.1 is a minor release, containing fixes to all the bugs reported aginst release 1.0.

Corrected issues:
o ClassLoader problems with some application servers
o Statement synchronization on close()
o DataSource support for Sybase
o Named instances over local named pipes
o SSL detection and resume failures
o JDBC escape parsing... read more

Posted by Alin Sinpalean 2005-02-09

jTDS JDBC Driver 1.0 released

The jTDS Project has released version 1.0 of the jTDS JDBC driver for SQL
Server and Sybase. After 3 1/2 years of development, 21 releases and 100K
downloads, jTDS is finally considered stable enough and JDBC feature complete
to grant the first official production release.

All important bugs fixed, jTDS is still the most performant JDBC driver for
SQL Server and Sybase. It passes the J2EE 1.3 certification and Hibernate test
suites and is the preferred SQL Server/Sybase driver for JBoss, Hibernate,
Atlassian JIRA and Confluence, DbVisualizer and ComPiere.... read more

Posted by Alin Sinpalean 2005-01-25

jTDS JDBC driver 0.9.1 released

The jTDS Project has released version 0.9.1 of the jTDS JDBC driver for SQL Server and Sybase. jTDS 0.9.1 is the most stable release to date and of course passes the J2EE 1.3 certification and Hibernate test suites and is still the lastest of the SQL Server and/or Sybase JDBC drivers for all basic operations.

New features:

o True PreparedStatement caching, controllable using maxStatements property.
o XA distributed transaction support (experimental), including emulation mode.
o Column collation support for SQL Server 2000.... read more

Posted by Alin Sinpalean 2004-12-08

jTDS JDBC driver 0.9 released

jTDS is the fastest JDBC driver for Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase. The 0.9 release is a complete rewrite from 0.8, a lot simpler and with fewer problems. It is the first major release after 3 months of work. In the meantime, jTDS has become fully compatible with JDBC 3.0 and it passes the JDBC Certification Test Suite.

Around 85 bugs were fixed and a lot of new features added:

o TDS 5.0 (Sybase 11 and 12) support
o TDS 8.0 (SQL Server 2000) support.
o Named pipes support.
o SQL Server 2005 support.
o Blob and Clob memory control.
o Control over preparing statement calls with the prepareSql property.
o Localized error messages support.
o Automatic protocol detection for all versions except 4.2.... read more

Posted by Alin Sinpalean 2004-09-30

jTDS JDBC Driver 0.9-rc2 released

Open source JDBC 3.0 Type 4 driver for Microsoft SQL Server (6.5, 7.0, 2000 and 2005) and Sybase. jTDS is the fastest JDBC driver for MS SQL Server and is a complete implementation of the JDBC specification. For more information see

The 0.9-rc2 corrects a number of bugs and adds new prepared statement and cursor functionality. Bug #966274 introduced in 0.8-rc1 has finally been resolved and windows authentication works again with SQL Server regardless of the service pack used.... read more

Posted by Brian Heineman 2004-08-28

jTDS JDBC Driver 0.9-rc1 released

Open source JDBC 3.0 Type 4 driver for Microsoft SQL Server (6.5, 7.0, 2000 and 2005) and Sybase. jTDS is the fastest JDBC driver for MS SQL Server and is a complete implementation of the JDBC specification. For more information see

The 0.9-rc1 release includes a large number of new features, implementing almost everything in the JDBC 3.0 specification. The driver has been re-written to provide TDS 5.0 and 8.0 support. Initial support for named pipes has also been added via the jCIFS library ( Further, the driver now works with SQL Server 2005.... read more

Posted by Brian Heineman 2004-08-09

jTDS JDBC Driver 0.8.1 released

jTDS is THE JDBC driver for SQL Server. Open Source, faster than any other
SQL Server driver and with a full implementation of the JDBC 2.1
specification (plus many JDBC 3.0 features). The 0.8.1 release primarily
corrects a deployment problem with 0.8 in JREs prior to 1.4.


o Corrects ClassCastException with 1.3 JRE; this release has been compiled
with 1.3.1_08.
o Corrects bug [983561] getDatetimeValue truncates fractional milliseconds.
o Corrects bug [974036] Bug in 0.8rc1 DatabaseMetaData method getTableTypes()

Posted by Brian Heineman 2004-07-08

jTDS JDBC Driver 0.8 released

jTDS is THE JDBC driver for SQL Server. Open Source, faster than any other SQL Server driver and with a full implementation of the JDBC 2.1 specification (plus many JDBC 3.0 features). The 0.8 release corrects a number of bugs reported against 0.8-rc1 and adds several more JDBC 3 features.

New features:

o Support for passing parameters to stored procedures by name.
o Support for Types.BOOLEAN.
o Initial Savepoint implementation
o Support for streaming Blob/Clob writes.
o Added initial (limited) ParameterMetaData support.
o initCause() is now called for SQLExceptions under 1.4+ JVMs.... read more

Posted by Brian Heineman 2004-06-23

jTDS JDBC Driver 0.8-rc1 released

jTDS is THE JDBC driver for SQL Server. Open source, faster than any other SQL Server driver and with a full implementation of the JDBC 2.1 spec.

The 0.8-rc1 release comes with three major changes. From a functional point of view the release is centered around one major improvement: the new semantically correct Connection implementation, using a single physical connection (as opposed to previous releases, which used multiple physical connections to achieve Statement concurrency at the cost of correctness and possible deadlocking). Thanks to this one change 0.8-rc1 is the first jTDS release to pass the Hibernate test suite and to actually be a complete and correct JDBC implementation.... read more

Posted by Alin Sinpalean 2004-03-29

jTDS Homepage Updated

The jTDS homepage ( has been updated with new documentation and some long awaited benchmark results.

The documentation includes some brand new SQL Server API Cursor documentation (the undocumented sp_cursor stored procedures -, updated javadoc, as well as a jTDS feature matrix (

The benchmark results, which were also included in the 0.7.1 release source package, were obtained by running benchmark packages from two major SQL Server JDBC driver vendors: i-net software and NetDirect. The results show a clear winner; check them out: and read more

Posted by Alin Sinpalean 2004-03-16

jTDS JDBC driver 0.7.1 released

jTDS is the fastest JDBC driver for MS SQL Server and now offers full support for the 2.1 JDBC spec.

Release 0.7.1 is a bugfix release, centered around the fix for a major bug which went undetected into 0.7 (cursor-based ResultSets did not work with parameterized prepared or callable statements).

Some other minor fixes went into this release, but the other major thing is the new SQL Server documentation and the benchmarking results. These are available in the docs directory of the source package, but the most important of them will also make it soon onto the jTDS web page, too.

Posted by Alin Sinpalean 2004-03-03

jTDS 0.7 released

jTDS is the fastest JDBC driver for Microsoft SQL Server. The 0.7 release comes with a huge number of new features, implementing pretty much everything in the JDBC 2.1 spec and even some 3.0 features. A lot of work has gone into this release and this can be easily seen by looking at the size of the change log.

Also, just before the release, jTDS was tested against a number of test suites, including the performance tests provided by commercial driver vendors and the Hibernate test suite. These have shown (again) that jTDS is the fastest driver in many tests and really close in the others. The results will be made public soon (excluding the JSQLConnect driver, whose license prohibits this) on the jTDS site.... read more

Posted by Alin Sinpalean 2004-02-27